Sunday, April 15, 2007

Outdoor urban cinema: movies by Bill Daniel and Dan Garner in Artisan's Court, empty lot in 500 block of Texas Street, Th, Ap 19, 7:30 pm

Bill Daniel: Who is Bozo Texino?
Originally uploaded by trudeau.
An airing of filmmaker Bill Daniel's "Who is Bozo Texino?," as well as some of his other projections and a piece by multi-media artist Dan Garner will be presented en plein air Thurs, Ap 19th, in Artisan's Court (the lot on Texas st next to 516soundstage and across from the Courthouse), says Susan Garner. The show starts at 7:30pm. The cost is $5.

Who is Bozo Texino? chronicles the search for the source of ubiquitous railroad graffiti. Daniel's film uncovers a secret society and its underground universe of hobo and railworker graffiti, and includes interviews with legendary boxcar artists Coaltrain, Herby, Colossus of Roads, and The Rambler. During his freight-riding, 16-year quest Daniel discovered the roots of a folkloric tradition that has gone mostly unnoticed for a century. Taking inspiration from Beat artists Robert Frank and Jack Kerouac, the film functions as both a sub-cultural documentary and a stylized fable on wanderlust and outsider identity.

"I was drawn to the subject by the universal graffiti impulse and the classic, corny notion of freight train blues escape." – Bill Daniel, San Francisco-based, experimental documentarian

Tipitina's Music Office Co-op, 934-0000


Unknown said...

I'm on vacation this week! I'm going!

Anonymous said...

"Bozo Texino" is amazing...I own it. You should make a point to go see it.