Saturday, December 10, 2005

Call to artists from Artspace: Folk Art Is ... opens Jan 20. Artists' orientation Th, Dec 15, 6:30 pm

"A Potemkin Village that turns the West Edge into a feast for the eyes" is one of the goals of the Artspace exhibit that opens Jan 20, says Mary Frances Querbes.

"Imagine Texas Street storefronts - both glass and boarded-up - bursting with colorful murals illustrating the folk life of the Deep South," says June Phillips of Southern University.

"And red & yellow & chartreuse whirligigs flying from street poles the length of Texas Streeet," says SRAC's Pam Atchison."

Regional artists are encouraged to write up - or sketch - their ideas for a) storefront window installations, b) murals for boarded buildings, and c) whirligigs and get them to SRAC pronto. "Entries will be juried weekly," says Atchison," and the Early Birds get the Worm."

Artists who'd like more ideas about a) what the h*ll are they talking about? and b) how to submit a proposal and get remuneration, are encouraged to attend an orientation party at Artspace Th, Dec 15, at 6:30 pm.

Info: 673-6500.


Adante Salvagado said...

Check out this contemporary folk art:

Adam Nisbet

Robert E Trudeau said...

Colorfully cool work, Adam. Thanks for the link.