Tuesday, August 14, 2007

How youths get into art and keep the landscape whimsical: Vandicklier's

Carson the Robot
Originally uploaded by vandicklier
Jordan Thomas has surfed into the art view through his pursuit of whimsy and absorbing craft work. A new online seller as well as builder of arty items, he is finding that etsy.com is an artistic incubator. Here's the story of the vendor of robot fun who calls himself Vandicklier:

I've always had a fascination with robots. I blame t.v. and my friends. Mostly my friends. Through the powers of myspace, my friends and I would search for funny robot images and post them on each other's myspace page. Lame, yes, but it got me thinking. It wasn't until January that I needed to fill some sort of artistic void in my life and that is when I started to create these little wooden robots.

My background in Art is my family. My grandfather and my mother were painters, and my Aunt Rosemary Davison is a well known local artist in my native Arizona. My family has always encouraged me to explore my artistic needs through life and I have recently broke from my ordinary mold of painting, and ventured to building little wooden robots and painting them to give them personalities.

I love Etsy, I've made friends locally (Noma, Pan's Pantry) and nationally, from New York to San Francisco. One of my friends mentioned selling my robots on the indie website and I started selling them in March. Ever since it's been great business. I sell locally more than I do online, but I really don't do it for the money. I make robots to amuse myself and to amuse my friends.

I'm trying to venture out into other areas of art, but the robots have developed into a great thing for me. All I need to figure out is what I'm going to do next with these little bots.



Jordan said...

Thanks for writing a blog about me, but my name is Jordan, not Jason.


Unknown said...

Jordan's designs are brilliant and inventive. I love his robots! keep up the good work Jordan!

The Captain. said...

I already own 2 of Jordan's robots, and they look even better in person! He can customize them in incredibly creative ways, which makes them perfect gifts!

And no, Jordan did not pay me to endorse his robots! LOL

Robert E Trudeau said...

I am mortified at messing up your name, Jordan. Apologies.

Nice to see your fans are with you.

Pan's Pantry said...

Well, well, look at YOU, Mr. Thang. Thanks for the plug, too.

Jordan said...

It truly is an honor!

Ashes said...

Such beautiful and creative little works of art. Each one pumped full of personality and detail. It's wonderful to see such a vibrant representation of shreveport's craft community.

Unknown said...

I was recently given one of Jordan's Robots as a gift. It was personalized just for me and my "superman" obsession. The robot is proudly on display in my apartment! I can't wait to get more. I think everyone should have one!