Saturday, August 25, 2007

For the Love of God: London artist Damien Hirst seems not to have gained an ounce of fat

Says The Economist, the pungent British weekly, "Jay Joplng's new London gallery, White Cube Mason's Yard, played host this summer to the year's most talked-about piece of art: “For the Love of God”, by Damien Hirst. A life-size cast of a human skull in platinum, covered by 8,601 almost flawless pavĂ©-set diamonds, “Love” glittered balefully from countless television news bulletins and from the front pages of the world's major newspapers.

This was a characteristic Hirst piece: outrageous in its demands (not least a $100m price tag), daring in conception and execution, flamboyantly showy, but as piercingly accurate in its nailing of our thoughts and feelings about life, death, art and money, as one of the pins through one of Mr Hirst's famous butterflies."

You like, yes? After a bit of "Rats, I should have done that one before this idiot did it."

Damien Hirst is easily the world's most interesting artist.

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