Monday, November 23, 2009

Women, Asians, African-Americans, Latinos, youths, tech-minded volunteers needed by Shreveport Symphony Orchestra in struggle to rebuild

Three 2010 concerts have been announced by the Shreveport Symphony Orchestra in an effort to revive the long-silent music source.

The announcement was a meager one. Not on the scene or on the record were African-Americans, reps from a variety of women's organizations or representatives of the region's growing constituent groups, including Asians, Latinos and the creative class.

Nor was Michael Butterman, vibrant conductor of the SSO who remains on contract for some 10 months, present.

Nor is there an active Paypal or ticket-purchase account on the SSO website.

Given the failure of the corporate and gentry classes to adequately support the orchestra, it would seem that a wide-spread coalition of groups would be the key to reconstitution.

I encourage reps from all these groups to address the orchestra issue.

You might ask yourselves -
* in how many ways does an orchestra benefit your members?
* what kind of orchestra programming would engage your members?
* please don't wait for the SSO board to reach out to you, alas.
* request a pep talk by Michael Butterman. Maestro Butterman could be the key to getting your group involved.
* make a verbal or monetary pledge to

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