Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Songster Tim Marshall at Columbia Cafe Thurs, July 2, with material from his 29th Dream
Tim Marshall - Performing Thursday Evening From his soon-to-be-released "Leather and Wood" and current CD "The 29th Dream."
CD's will be available.
CD's will be available.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Digital art fans attended the movie RiP! A Remix Manifesto at RFC and joined a discussion led by Sara Hebert
Once upon a time mass media copyright was an open and shut case. Today, despite the enforcement-minded US lobbies from the recording industry (RIAA) and the movie industry (MPAA), the new generation is rethinking the ideas of intellectual property, especially when it comes to personal expression and artistic projects.
Some 50 people attended the Shreveport showing of the documentary Rip, A Remix Manifesto, which offers a radical challenge to traditional ideas of culture and copyright. Multimedia artist Sara Hebert led the post-mix discussion and was joined by the Robinson Film Center's Chris Jay.
Rip! frequently cited attorney-author Lawrence Lessig (Stanford Law and Harvard Law faculties), a visionary who has offered the world a provocative analysis of copyright in the digital age.
According to Wikipedia, Lessig "supports free software and open spectrum. At his “Free culture” keynote at OSCON 2002, half of his speech was also about software patents, which he views as a rising threat to both free/open source software and innovation. His fifth book is Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy. It is available as a free download under a Creative Commons license.[1]
The Remix Manifesto is a film about how today's artists in Brazil, the US and in Europe are developing a mash-up culture - an artistic free-for-all which samples sections of movies, books, songs and graphic material while building something new.
In keeping with the theme, people went home from the event with free copies of the movie as well as free remix software.
Photo by Chris Jay, blogged with impunity by Robert Trudeau since Jay gives his photos a Creative Commons tag.
Some 50 people attended the Shreveport showing of the documentary Rip, A Remix Manifesto, which offers a radical challenge to traditional ideas of culture and copyright. Multimedia artist Sara Hebert led the post-mix discussion and was joined by the Robinson Film Center's Chris Jay.
Rip! frequently cited attorney-author Lawrence Lessig (Stanford Law and Harvard Law faculties), a visionary who has offered the world a provocative analysis of copyright in the digital age.
According to Wikipedia, Lessig "supports free software and open spectrum. At his “Free culture” keynote at OSCON 2002, half of his speech was also about software patents, which he views as a rising threat to both free/open source software and innovation. His fifth book is Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy. It is available as a free download under a Creative Commons license.[1]
The Remix Manifesto is a film about how today's artists in Brazil, the US and in Europe are developing a mash-up culture - an artistic free-for-all which samples sections of movies, books, songs and graphic material while building something new.
In keeping with the theme, people went home from the event with free copies of the movie as well as free remix software.
Photo by Chris Jay, blogged with impunity by Robert Trudeau since Jay gives his photos a Creative Commons tag.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Arts funding update from Baton Rouge: no details but $ 2 million out of hoped-for $ 3.2 million was retained
From Laura Larkin at the Arts Council of Greater Baton Rouge:
The Louisiana Legislature finished its session yesterday, and some arts funding was retained in the state budget.
On Wednesday evening the Governor returned the budget to the Legislature with the arts vetoed. The Legislature worked Thursday to return the arts funding. Of our original $3.2 million hoped for, $2 million was included by the end of the day. This is all thanks to your amazing support, your thousands of letters and e-mails to Legislators. Louisiana citizens stood up and spoke out!
Thank you!
We haven't heard yet how the $2 million will be divided among various art granting programs, and will let you know as soon as we hear anything.
Keep advocating!
Laura Larkin
Grants & Community Development Director
Arts Council of Greater Baton Rouge
427 Laurel Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70801
(225) 344-8558
Thanks to Susan Breeland for news and the graceful illustration.
The Louisiana Legislature finished its session yesterday, and some arts funding was retained in the state budget.
On Wednesday evening the Governor returned the budget to the Legislature with the arts vetoed. The Legislature worked Thursday to return the arts funding. Of our original $3.2 million hoped for, $2 million was included by the end of the day. This is all thanks to your amazing support, your thousands of letters and e-mails to Legislators. Louisiana citizens stood up and spoke out!
Thank you!
We haven't heard yet how the $2 million will be divided among various art granting programs, and will let you know as soon as we hear anything.
Keep advocating!
Laura Larkin
Grants & Community Development Director
Arts Council of Greater Baton Rouge
427 Laurel Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70801
(225) 344-8558
Thanks to Susan Breeland for news and the graceful illustration.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Homegrown tomatoes, blueberries, shrimp, beef, sausage, arts & crafts and the music of Bob & Deidre at Shreveport Farmer's Market on Sat, June 27, 7 am to noon
Tomatoes are so wonderful right now, says Noma Fowler-Sandlin, that you've got to come get some. They are like eating sunshine. Blueberries are still going strong.
Noma, market manager, continues thusly: All the protein vendors are back -- chicken, shrimp, beef and sausage should all be there this Saturday. In fact, I challenge you to make a meal with farmers' market ingredients (using only 2-3 of your choice from elsewhere.) Let me know on the facebook page how you did.
Ya know, most grocery store produce was chosen by the corporations who grow it based on one facet: its ability to withstand shipping. That's why it lasts a long time, but sometimes has almost no taste. We do get used to that dependability, though. But now, it's summer and there's no reason not to give ourselves a refresher course in the difference. Locally-grown products save gas, stimulate the local economy, and most of the time, simply taste better. Try some!
If you have questions about the products at the market, ask the folks selling them. You'll find that most of the time, they have a deep relationship with the food they provide you. They're a good group -- ask them questions.
On Tuesday, I'm assured by the weather man the temp will have gone into the low 90s, so come on out and get what you forgot on Saturday while listening to the cover tunes of Bob & Deidre.
Noma, market manager, continues thusly: All the protein vendors are back -- chicken, shrimp, beef and sausage should all be there this Saturday. In fact, I challenge you to make a meal with farmers' market ingredients (using only 2-3 of your choice from elsewhere.) Let me know on the facebook page how you did.
Ya know, most grocery store produce was chosen by the corporations who grow it based on one facet: its ability to withstand shipping. That's why it lasts a long time, but sometimes has almost no taste. We do get used to that dependability, though. But now, it's summer and there's no reason not to give ourselves a refresher course in the difference. Locally-grown products save gas, stimulate the local economy, and most of the time, simply taste better. Try some!
If you have questions about the products at the market, ask the folks selling them. You'll find that most of the time, they have a deep relationship with the food they provide you. They're a good group -- ask them questions.
On Tuesday, I'm assured by the weather man the temp will have gone into the low 90s, so come on out and get what you forgot on Saturday while listening to the cover tunes of Bob & Deidre.
LSU Shreveport India Studies program will host Bollywood Night on Sat, July 11, 6:30 pm, LSUS University Center Ballroom
The LSU Shreveport India Studies program will host “Bollywood” Night Saturday, July 11, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. in the LSUS University Center Ballroom. The event will offer a buffet dinner and feature popular dance numbers from Bollywood films.
Performances will include Bharat ki Hawayein, a dance group from Tyler, Texas choreographed by Nandini, and Natya Kala Mandalam, a Shreveport group choreographed by Kamala. Members of the local Indian community will also showcase their talents.
Dress is evening casual or Indian attire. Tickets are $25 and the deadline to purchase is July 9, 2009. Tickets may be purchased at Asian Groceries, Heart of Bossier Mall with cash or check payable to the LSUS Foundation only. Checks may be sent directly to LSUS at One University Place, Shreveport, LA 71115. For more information, contact Sanjay Menon at 318-797-5186, Asian Groceries at 318-752-8556 or Jesh Jesty 318- 655-6648.
Performances will include Bharat ki Hawayein, a dance group from Tyler, Texas choreographed by Nandini, and Natya Kala Mandalam, a Shreveport group choreographed by Kamala. Members of the local Indian community will also showcase their talents.
Dress is evening casual or Indian attire. Tickets are $25 and the deadline to purchase is July 9, 2009. Tickets may be purchased at Asian Groceries, Heart of Bossier Mall with cash or check payable to the LSUS Foundation only. Checks may be sent directly to LSUS at One University Place, Shreveport, LA 71115. For more information, contact Sanjay Menon at 318-797-5186, Asian Groceries at 318-752-8556 or Jesh Jesty 318- 655-6648.
Summer Dance Festival performance from La Dance Theater and LehrerDance at the Strand on Sat, June 27, 7:30 pm
See more at www.ladancetheater.org and hear more at 861-3006.
A Better Shreveport group meets Tues, June 30, 8:20 am, Centenary Square, to continue work on bike routes, Texas St cultural district & retail, greenways
ABetterShreveport will meet Tuesday at 8:20 a.m., says Loren Demerath, in Centenary Square, room 206. Demerath's invitation continues, That's across the street from George's Gill. Enter from the back parking lot and you can't miss us.
We'll talk about our progress and the tasks that lay ahead for:
* The Bike Route Network (map and signs to go on side of road; logo to be painted on road itself; I've got logo's etc. to show, thanks for Ford Bevins!)
* Texas St. retail (what did Brady Blade learn at the shopping center convention? is there work we could do to create a vision of a downtown shopping destination that wouldn't depend on residents and wouldn't have to "follow the rooftops"? is there a coordination of property owners we could facilitate?)
* Texas Ave. cultural district (what have we learned about what it would take to have residents who are also business-owners move in? or just residents? hooray for our new downtown lunch meeting! what have April Kempf, Feico, and the others learned?)
* Cooperatives Center for Bikes, Food, and Building Restoration (what did Steve learn from his visit to the restoration cooperative(s) in Dallas? what space(s) would be available for a coop center that would also help downtown and therefore help create a more dense, more walkable, and less sprawled city?)
* Converting the bayous/drainage ditches to greenways (nature trail on hold til November while labor and plans are organized by Jon Soul; is it time to mow other sections? what does the National Park Service need in preparation for their next visit for making the plan?)
As always, we'll talk about particular projects or new ideas depending on who attends and the interest level.
Hope you can make it! The coffee will be on!
We'll talk about our progress and the tasks that lay ahead for:
* The Bike Route Network (map and signs to go on side of road; logo to be painted on road itself; I've got logo's etc. to show, thanks for Ford Bevins!)
* Texas St. retail (what did Brady Blade learn at the shopping center convention? is there work we could do to create a vision of a downtown shopping destination that wouldn't depend on residents and wouldn't have to "follow the rooftops"? is there a coordination of property owners we could facilitate?)
* Texas Ave. cultural district (what have we learned about what it would take to have residents who are also business-owners move in? or just residents? hooray for our new downtown lunch meeting! what have April Kempf, Feico, and the others learned?)
* Cooperatives Center for Bikes, Food, and Building Restoration (what did Steve learn from his visit to the restoration cooperative(s) in Dallas? what space(s) would be available for a coop center that would also help downtown and therefore help create a more dense, more walkable, and less sprawled city?)
* Converting the bayous/drainage ditches to greenways (nature trail on hold til November while labor and plans are organized by Jon Soul; is it time to mow other sections? what does the National Park Service need in preparation for their next visit for making the plan?)
As always, we'll talk about particular projects or new ideas depending on who attends and the interest level.
Hope you can make it! The coffee will be on!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
83% cut in the Decentralized Arts Funding - DAF - seems to be all but reality for Louisiana's world of dance, drama, visual arts, etc etc
A message to artists from Irene Vandever, Executive Director of the
Arts and Humanities Council of SWLA:
Not surprisingly, the funding for DAF and Statewide Arts Funding was vetoed by the Governor today. I say “not surprisingly” since the Senate had tied this funding to tapping the Rainy Day monies and Governor Jindal had already promised exactly this action.
We may hope against hope, we can email, fax, text and call, but in the end, it is not the elected officials who will pay the price for this decision – it is us, the residents of Southwest Louisiana and all across the state.
The Arts and Humanities Council of SW La has just spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars to prepare for the DAF round to fund area non-profits and presenters, festivals and arts organizations for 2010 (eds's note: so has SRAC; see the DAF panel in action above). Now, we are going to have 15% of the already over-burdened DAF amount to distribute to our constituents.
Make no mistake, this catastrophic cut will be a fatal wound for some of our region’s groups and events. The focus for the Council now is to find every way possible to off-set the devastation of the loss of this funding. Look for more in the coming weeks.
The Council, our Board and I are charged with supporting and growing the valuable cultural programming throughout Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron and Jefferson Davis parishes. As long as we are able, we will strive to fulfill that mission. Email or call our offices to find out how you can help.
Irene Vandever, 809 Kirby Street, Suite 202
Lake Charles, Louisiana 70601-5372
(337) 439-2787, director@artsandhumanitiesswla.org
Thanks to Susan Breeland for forwarding this early announcement of the bad news.
Arts and Humanities Council of SWLA:
Not surprisingly, the funding for DAF and Statewide Arts Funding was vetoed by the Governor today. I say “not surprisingly” since the Senate had tied this funding to tapping the Rainy Day monies and Governor Jindal had already promised exactly this action.
We may hope against hope, we can email, fax, text and call, but in the end, it is not the elected officials who will pay the price for this decision – it is us, the residents of Southwest Louisiana and all across the state.
The Arts and Humanities Council of SW La has just spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars to prepare for the DAF round to fund area non-profits and presenters, festivals and arts organizations for 2010 (eds's note: so has SRAC; see the DAF panel in action above). Now, we are going to have 15% of the already over-burdened DAF amount to distribute to our constituents.
Make no mistake, this catastrophic cut will be a fatal wound for some of our region’s groups and events. The focus for the Council now is to find every way possible to off-set the devastation of the loss of this funding. Look for more in the coming weeks.
The Council, our Board and I are charged with supporting and growing the valuable cultural programming throughout Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron and Jefferson Davis parishes. As long as we are able, we will strive to fulfill that mission. Email or call our offices to find out how you can help.
Irene Vandever, 809 Kirby Street, Suite 202
Lake Charles, Louisiana 70601-5372
(337) 439-2787, director@artsandhumanitiesswla.org
Thanks to Susan Breeland for forwarding this early announcement of the bad news.
Peter Pan Players' Sleeping Beauty opens June 25
Shannon Shea directs Sleeping Beauty for Peter Pan Players at MLP, says Stacy Ritch. It opens June 25 and runs two weekends.
June 25 - July 5...Th/Fr @ 7p...Sat @ 2p/7p...Sun @ 2p.
Call for tickets. Box Office 869-5242, PPP 868-9619
Aurora- Lauren Gieseke
Prince- Andrew Ingerson
Flora- Elissa Little
Fauna- Katherine Marak
Merryweather- Christina Langston
Malif.- Sarah Ingerson
And many more talented actors, says Elissa Little on Facebook...
See more at www.peterpanplayers.org/.
June 25 - July 5...Th/Fr @ 7p...Sat @ 2p/7p...Sun @ 2p.
Call for tickets. Box Office 869-5242, PPP 868-9619
Aurora- Lauren Gieseke
Prince- Andrew Ingerson
Flora- Elissa Little
Fauna- Katherine Marak
Merryweather- Christina Langston
Malif.- Sarah Ingerson
And many more talented actors, says Elissa Little on Facebook...
See more at www.peterpanplayers.org/.
Ryan Williams opens Secret Garden on Fri, July 10, at Performance Arts Center
Opening Fri, July 10, the Secret Garden is directed by Ryan Williams, with musical direction by Carrie Stephens, choreography by LeVette Fuller, technical direction by Jamie Sanders, lighting design by Courtney Gaston, stage management by Lela Robichaux and Rachel Havird. See it at Performance Arts Center, head of Texas St.
Performances dates and times are...
Friday, July 10, 7:30 PM
Saturday, July 11, 7:30 PM
Sunday, July 12, 2:30 PM
Thursday, July 16, 7:30 PM
Friday, July 17, 7:30 PM
Saturday, July 18, 7:30 PM
Sunday, July 19, 2:30 PM
$18 for adults/seniors; $9 for children.
Box office opens on Monday, June 29, at Noon and will be open weekdays between noon and 4:00 PM and one hour prior to curtain on performance nights: 318-429-6885 for reservations!
The Secret Garden Cast
Mary Lennox...................................Mary Anglin
Lily...........................................Katie Hall Smith
Archibald Craven.........................Robert Gadpaille
Neville Craven................................John Goddard
Colin Craven................................Benjamin Maxey
Martha........................................Heather Bryson
Dickon.........................................Erik Champney
Ben Weatherstaff.................................John Cook
Mrs. Medlock...............................Mary Zapczynski
Albert Lennox.................................Victor Crusan
Rose Lennox..................................Emily Kirkland
Ayah.............................................Leah Sayad
Lt. Shaw........................................Nate Wasson
Alice/Ms. Winthrop................................Julie Lyles
Lt. Wright.....................................Jeff Babineaux
Major Holmes........................................Mat Latz
Claire Holmes...................................Jenifer Perhala
Major Shelley.....................................John Horton
Mrs. Shelley.......................................Caitlin Coley
Jane.................................................Betty Dillon
Betsy............................................Amy Hammond
Performances dates and times are...
Friday, July 10, 7:30 PM
Saturday, July 11, 7:30 PM
Sunday, July 12, 2:30 PM
Thursday, July 16, 7:30 PM
Friday, July 17, 7:30 PM
Saturday, July 18, 7:30 PM
Sunday, July 19, 2:30 PM
$18 for adults/seniors; $9 for children.
Box office opens on Monday, June 29, at Noon and will be open weekdays between noon and 4:00 PM and one hour prior to curtain on performance nights: 318-429-6885 for reservations!
The Secret Garden Cast
Mary Lennox...................................Mary Anglin
Lily...........................................Katie Hall Smith
Archibald Craven.........................Robert Gadpaille
Neville Craven................................John Goddard
Colin Craven................................Benjamin Maxey
Martha........................................Heather Bryson
Dickon.........................................Erik Champney
Ben Weatherstaff.................................John Cook
Mrs. Medlock...............................Mary Zapczynski
Albert Lennox.................................Victor Crusan
Rose Lennox..................................Emily Kirkland
Ayah.............................................Leah Sayad
Lt. Shaw........................................Nate Wasson
Alice/Ms. Winthrop................................Julie Lyles
Lt. Wright.....................................Jeff Babineaux
Major Holmes........................................Mat Latz
Claire Holmes...................................Jenifer Perhala
Major Shelley.....................................John Horton
Mrs. Shelley.......................................Caitlin Coley
Jane.................................................Betty Dillon
Betsy............................................Amy Hammond
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Your comments on city planner Tim Wachtel's Dog Park Schematic Design, June 2009?
Here's one of several schematic designs for a Dog Park for Veterans Park offered by city planner Tim Wachtel. Here are his remarks:
There are three: Basic Park, Better Park, and Master Plan.
Regarding the Project Milestones, we are now in "Section IV: Present Schematic Design(s) to the Public for Comment." The 20th century model included a public meeting, but with an email list of over 50 interested folks, I'm not sure that is necessary. (I also hear that there is a Facebook page, but I can't get there through our network.) I'd be happy to do a meeting, though. Let me know your comments and if you want a meeting.
A couple of points about the Schematic Plans:
1.) The Large and Small Dog Areas require
A.) An Entrance that splits visitors to the large and small dog areas. Does that look right?
B.) Two pet fountains, one for each area, increases costs a little.
C.) Extra cross fencing
Are the extra costs and complications necessary?
2.) The Basic Park is about an acre, the Better Park is 1 3/4 acres.
3.) I did a drawing of what Memorial Pavers might look like. Has anyone seen anything like that?
All I need to finalize the plan and move onto construction documents is:
* Your comments and questions, and
* A budget.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Tim Wachtel, ASLA, Planner III
Shreveport Public Assembly & Recreation
505 Travis Street, Suite 560
Shreveport, LA 71101
Phone: (318) 673-7721
Fax: (318) 673-7878
There are three: Basic Park, Better Park, and Master Plan.
Regarding the Project Milestones, we are now in "Section IV: Present Schematic Design(s) to the Public for Comment." The 20th century model included a public meeting, but with an email list of over 50 interested folks, I'm not sure that is necessary. (I also hear that there is a Facebook page, but I can't get there through our network.) I'd be happy to do a meeting, though. Let me know your comments and if you want a meeting.
A couple of points about the Schematic Plans:
1.) The Large and Small Dog Areas require
A.) An Entrance that splits visitors to the large and small dog areas. Does that look right?
B.) Two pet fountains, one for each area, increases costs a little.
C.) Extra cross fencing
Are the extra costs and complications necessary?
2.) The Basic Park is about an acre, the Better Park is 1 3/4 acres.
3.) I did a drawing of what Memorial Pavers might look like. Has anyone seen anything like that?
All I need to finalize the plan and move onto construction documents is:
* Your comments and questions, and
* A budget.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Tim Wachtel, ASLA, Planner III
Shreveport Public Assembly & Recreation
505 Travis Street, Suite 560
Shreveport, LA 71101
Phone: (318) 673-7721
Fax: (318) 673-7878
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Michael Chisum and Sydney Bell have blog for their Cafe at Artspce cuisine
See menu changes and news from the kitchen in the cafe at Artspace at http://thecafeatartspace.blogspot.com/.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Over 7000 people surge through the Shreveport Farmer's Market at Festival Plaza on opening day, says Kip Holloway
The Red River Revel's Kip Holloway and Kevin Stone estimate 7500 people or better flowed through the Shreveport Farmer's Market on the morning of its '09 opening.
"We still have some fiddling to do, to make it more equitable for the artists and crafters and others in the outlying lot, but we're working on that. We were visited by over *5000* people yesterday, breaking all records. Given that huge amount of traffic, the opening was smooth," said market manager Noma Fowler-Sandlin.
She noted, "There are some logistical challenges to growing, shoving x number of vendors into y number of spaces, and getting folks to respect the handicapped parking spaces." The parking slots adjacent to the pavilion are no longer open to first-come, first-served vehicles. The area is reserved for handicapped parking.
Holloway cited the Slow Food Movement as a force that has directed attention to such markets.
The city's investment in the large, open pavilion would seem to have been quite a success, too.
Fowler-Sandlin cited many factors: "the music, videos, blogging, help from friends, participation from friends in the market and attending the market, great leadership and vast help from the Revel Staff (Kip Holloway, Kevin Stone, Christy Long, Jenifer Akers,) the City Staff, our sponsors, the vendors, the band, and even getting my husband to smile while he sold my jam, all serve to make this a great success for me personally."
- Saturdays, June 13 through September 5, from 7:00 a.m. to noon.
- Tuesdays in the months of June and July, there will also be a Tuesday market from 3 to 6 each afternoon featuring live music.
"We still have some fiddling to do, to make it more equitable for the artists and crafters and others in the outlying lot, but we're working on that. We were visited by over *5000* people yesterday, breaking all records. Given that huge amount of traffic, the opening was smooth," said market manager Noma Fowler-Sandlin.
She noted, "There are some logistical challenges to growing, shoving x number of vendors into y number of spaces, and getting folks to respect the handicapped parking spaces." The parking slots adjacent to the pavilion are no longer open to first-come, first-served vehicles. The area is reserved for handicapped parking.
Holloway cited the Slow Food Movement as a force that has directed attention to such markets.
The city's investment in the large, open pavilion would seem to have been quite a success, too.
Fowler-Sandlin cited many factors: "the music, videos, blogging, help from friends, participation from friends in the market and attending the market, great leadership and vast help from the Revel Staff (Kip Holloway, Kevin Stone, Christy Long, Jenifer Akers,) the City Staff, our sponsors, the vendors, the band, and even getting my husband to smile while he sold my jam, all serve to make this a great success for me personally."
- Saturdays, June 13 through September 5, from 7:00 a.m. to noon.
- Tuesdays in the months of June and July, there will also be a Tuesday market from 3 to 6 each afternoon featuring live music.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Invited to the Edinburgh Fringe Fest in August, 2010: Caddo Magnet High Drama Dept; all forms of funding being sought by Patti Reeves, drama mamma at Magnet
Caddo Magnet High School's drama dept, under the direction of Patti Reeves, has been selected to perform in the world’s largest and most prestigious arts festival, the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, as part of the American High School Theatre Festival (AHSTF).
Only 30 – 40 high schools in the nation are chosen to participate in this festival each year. The Caddo Magnet Players is the first high school drama department ever chosen from Louisiana.
Each August in Edinburgh, Scotland, the city becomes the most magical and exciting place on earth as performing artists from all over the world take part in the Fringe Festival. The whole city becomes a stage, and visitors can view performances everywhere from playgrounds to conference rooms, from city parks to churches. The Fringe Festival includes over 1,800 different performances of music, theatre, dance and comedy during its three-week run.
The Caddo Magnet Players’ performance will be showcased at the AHSTF venue in Edinburgh in August 2010.
Caddo Magnet Players, recognized for entertaining and innovative productions, was selected by the AHSTF Board of Advisors to represent the United States as part of the 2010 AHSTF program. The Board reviews all completed applications and identifies the top high schools based on their most recent bodies of work, awards, community involvement, philosophies, and recommendations.
The Caddo Magnet Players, drama students, their parents, and teachers are heavily involved in fundraising activities to finance their two-week adventure to Scotland and England.
Their first fundraiser will be a summer production of Jerry Finnegan’s Sister, a story about Brian Dowd, who has spent the last 10 years of his life wrestling with an unrequited "something" for his best friend's sister, who happens to live next door. But each and every time he's spoken with Beth Finnegan for more than 30 seconds, he's ended up with his foot planted firmly in his mouth. Now, Brian's time is about to run out. With recent news that Jerry Finnegan's sister is getting married, the time has come for him to put up or shut up. What's he got to lose--except the love of his life! This acclaimed comedy has charmed audiences of all ages, and has been produced with great success in a number of theatres nationwide.
The July production will star Andrew Wood, a recent graduate of Magnet who received a theatre scholarship to Centenary College, and Hope Gutierrez, who is on a full theatre scholarship at BPCC. Both actors, although young, have received multiple acting awards and have been active in the Shreveport Community Theatres. Hope has performed in every theatre in town. Andrew was the recipient of the SB Magazine Award for Best Supporting Actor for his performance as Motel in Fiddler on the Roof.
On opening night of this production there will be a Silent Auction.
The show will have only three performances – Friday and Saturday nights, July 31st and August 1st at 7:00 p.m. with a Saturday matinee at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are $10.00 and general seating. The production will be in the Caddo Magnet High School Performing Art Center on campus. All proceeds go to the trip to Scotland.
Students on the crew are participants of the trip to The Fringe. The stage manager will be Brooks Robinson – president of Magnet’s International Thespian Society troupe. Light Designer – Cameron Martin – recent graduate of Magnet on full technical theatre scholarship to Northwestern; Assistant to Director – Beth Hughes; Props – Adrian Gallegos, Graphics Designer – Tori Smith, Dresser – Mary Martha Breithtaupt,
Come see a great show and help send these kids to Scotland. Patti Reeves: 318-424-4822 or 318-617-3319
Only 30 – 40 high schools in the nation are chosen to participate in this festival each year. The Caddo Magnet Players is the first high school drama department ever chosen from Louisiana.
Each August in Edinburgh, Scotland, the city becomes the most magical and exciting place on earth as performing artists from all over the world take part in the Fringe Festival. The whole city becomes a stage, and visitors can view performances everywhere from playgrounds to conference rooms, from city parks to churches. The Fringe Festival includes over 1,800 different performances of music, theatre, dance and comedy during its three-week run.
The Caddo Magnet Players’ performance will be showcased at the AHSTF venue in Edinburgh in August 2010.
Caddo Magnet Players, recognized for entertaining and innovative productions, was selected by the AHSTF Board of Advisors to represent the United States as part of the 2010 AHSTF program. The Board reviews all completed applications and identifies the top high schools based on their most recent bodies of work, awards, community involvement, philosophies, and recommendations.
The Caddo Magnet Players, drama students, their parents, and teachers are heavily involved in fundraising activities to finance their two-week adventure to Scotland and England.
Their first fundraiser will be a summer production of Jerry Finnegan’s Sister, a story about Brian Dowd, who has spent the last 10 years of his life wrestling with an unrequited "something" for his best friend's sister, who happens to live next door. But each and every time he's spoken with Beth Finnegan for more than 30 seconds, he's ended up with his foot planted firmly in his mouth. Now, Brian's time is about to run out. With recent news that Jerry Finnegan's sister is getting married, the time has come for him to put up or shut up. What's he got to lose--except the love of his life! This acclaimed comedy has charmed audiences of all ages, and has been produced with great success in a number of theatres nationwide.
The July production will star Andrew Wood, a recent graduate of Magnet who received a theatre scholarship to Centenary College, and Hope Gutierrez, who is on a full theatre scholarship at BPCC. Both actors, although young, have received multiple acting awards and have been active in the Shreveport Community Theatres. Hope has performed in every theatre in town. Andrew was the recipient of the SB Magazine Award for Best Supporting Actor for his performance as Motel in Fiddler on the Roof.
On opening night of this production there will be a Silent Auction.
The show will have only three performances – Friday and Saturday nights, July 31st and August 1st at 7:00 p.m. with a Saturday matinee at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are $10.00 and general seating. The production will be in the Caddo Magnet High School Performing Art Center on campus. All proceeds go to the trip to Scotland.
Students on the crew are participants of the trip to The Fringe. The stage manager will be Brooks Robinson – president of Magnet’s International Thespian Society troupe. Light Designer – Cameron Martin – recent graduate of Magnet on full technical theatre scholarship to Northwestern; Assistant to Director – Beth Hughes; Props – Adrian Gallegos, Graphics Designer – Tori Smith, Dresser – Mary Martha Breithtaupt,
Come see a great show and help send these kids to Scotland. Patti Reeves: 318-424-4822 or 318-617-3319
Artists who complete the NW La Artists Roster application by Mon, June 15, will be adjudicated by peers on the Roster in June
The NWLA Juried Artists Roster application, says Shreveport Regional Artist Council's Vicki Marshall, is "the easiest way to get connected to on-going local, statewide, and national arts opportunities and to receive streamlined consideration for local participation. The jury process is a peer selection process wherein your application is reviewed by the members of the NWLA Juried Artists Roster.
Applications are reviewed every other month, six times a year. The next review will be in June, in connection with the deadlines for several of these applications. Acceptance to the NWLA Juried Artists Roster deems an artist to be professional. In many cases, professional artists are given first priority - and streamlined access - to community art opportunities. Your bio, artists statement and samples of work are maintained by SRAC and you do not have to submit these vital elements each time you apply.
The application is due on June 15 for review at the June Roster Artists meeting. This will be the review prior to the October Exhibition at artspace. Applications are received on a regular basis and are reviewed every other month. 2009/2010 review months are: June, August, October, (no December Review), January, March, and May. Applications are due by the 15th day of the Review month.
The NWLA Juried Artists Roster meets monthly to network, inform and advise about artistic policy, and become informed about arts opportunities.
On, October 1, 2009, artspace will open an Exhibition of works by the NWLA Juried Artists Roster. The exhibition will include, Visual and Literary works as well as three weeks of scheduled performances. All artists selected to the NWLA Juried Artists Roster will be invited to submit up to three works for consideration into the Exhibition. At least one work will be exhibited. Exhibition application is due no later than August 15. Newly accepted artists to the Artists Roster will also be invited to participate."
See the application at Shrevearts.org/Resources/Forms.
Applications are reviewed every other month, six times a year. The next review will be in June, in connection with the deadlines for several of these applications. Acceptance to the NWLA Juried Artists Roster deems an artist to be professional. In many cases, professional artists are given first priority - and streamlined access - to community art opportunities. Your bio, artists statement and samples of work are maintained by SRAC and you do not have to submit these vital elements each time you apply.
The application is due on June 15 for review at the June Roster Artists meeting. This will be the review prior to the October Exhibition at artspace. Applications are received on a regular basis and are reviewed every other month. 2009/2010 review months are: June, August, October, (no December Review), January, March, and May. Applications are due by the 15th day of the Review month.
The NWLA Juried Artists Roster meets monthly to network, inform and advise about artistic policy, and become informed about arts opportunities.
On, October 1, 2009, artspace will open an Exhibition of works by the NWLA Juried Artists Roster. The exhibition will include, Visual and Literary works as well as three weeks of scheduled performances. All artists selected to the NWLA Juried Artists Roster will be invited to submit up to three works for consideration into the Exhibition. At least one work will be exhibited. Exhibition application is due no later than August 15. Newly accepted artists to the Artists Roster will also be invited to participate."
See the application at Shrevearts.org/Resources/Forms.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Review: New Orelans quintet Galactic - with friends Boe Money and Trombone Shorty - ruled the first day of the AT&T broadcast of Bonnaroo
Boe Money, trombonist, teamed with fellow-New Orleanian Trombone Shorty to remind young middle America as gathered for the first day of Bonnaroo that the power of the horn is enormous. While Galactic rolled out the Crescent City beat, Money and Shorty took an extensive 'bone break and played almost every duo lick in the book.
Galactic was the act, but the horns were the show. Shorty played it cool, popping out silvery, high notes on trumpet. Money worked the crowd like a barroom veteran, chunking down from the stage and clambering over the barricades to play horn in the middle of the excited peoples. Eventually the crowd put up their hands up and surfed the rangy, sweaty black man all across the field.
In addition to honoring the spirit of the Meters, Galactic and the horns invoked the jazzbo mysteries of the Dirty Dozen.
Of the early acts I liked the British band Gomez. With one strong vocalist and one that was not as strong, their show seemed on and off. But the melodies and sense of songwriting adventure were there. Looking forward to hearing their records.
Animal Collective was artistically adventurous - mucho ambient sound and vocal noodling - but far from compelling. The At&T broadcast was on the blink during most of the set by the beautiful Texas girl who calls herself St. Vincent. Caught her last number and could tell she was from another planet; she was crazed, tranced, manic - but melodious.
Ani DiFranco seemed in fine form but she's selling folk, not rock.
Thank gawd for Galactic.
Galactic was the act, but the horns were the show. Shorty played it cool, popping out silvery, high notes on trumpet. Money worked the crowd like a barroom veteran, chunking down from the stage and clambering over the barricades to play horn in the middle of the excited peoples. Eventually the crowd put up their hands up and surfed the rangy, sweaty black man all across the field.
In addition to honoring the spirit of the Meters, Galactic and the horns invoked the jazzbo mysteries of the Dirty Dozen.
Of the early acts I liked the British band Gomez. With one strong vocalist and one that was not as strong, their show seemed on and off. But the melodies and sense of songwriting adventure were there. Looking forward to hearing their records.
Animal Collective was artistically adventurous - mucho ambient sound and vocal noodling - but far from compelling. The At&T broadcast was on the blink during most of the set by the beautiful Texas girl who calls herself St. Vincent. Caught her last number and could tell she was from another planet; she was crazed, tranced, manic - but melodious.
Ani DiFranco seemed in fine form but she's selling folk, not rock.
Thank gawd for Galactic.
Dirtfoot and friends at Eldorado's Celebrity Lounge Fri, June 12, at 8 pm at no charge
Come join Dirtfoot, writes J Bratlie, in the Celebrity Lounge for a rare "free" show at home. We'll bring the cans you just be ready to shake em.
Dirtfoot is pleased to announce that Friday, June 12 at the Celebrity Lounge in the El Dorado Casino in Shreveport, LA, we will have 2 special guests will be gracing the stage. First, Dallas native, Kristy Kruger, will be opening the night with her unique and eclectic blend of sight and sounds. David Cowling of Americana UK said “Her voice has a timeless quality to it and whatever setting she places it into…like a hot hand in the small of your back leading you to the dance floor, you are powerless to resist.”
Second, we're very pleased to announce that our good friend, Isobel Campbell, formerly of Belle and Sebastian, will be joining us to sing a very rarely performed tune that same night. Isobel has released two albums with Mark Lanegan of the Screaming Trees and has been in the studio recently working on her new album. Matt, J, and Scotty have been recording tracks which hopefully will be featured on the new work, expected to be released Spring 2010. We're excited about this new work and can't wait to see the finished record.
Photo by Casey Jones / IamJonesDesigns.
Dirtfoot is pleased to announce that Friday, June 12 at the Celebrity Lounge in the El Dorado Casino in Shreveport, LA, we will have 2 special guests will be gracing the stage. First, Dallas native, Kristy Kruger, will be opening the night with her unique and eclectic blend of sight and sounds. David Cowling of Americana UK said “Her voice has a timeless quality to it and whatever setting she places it into…like a hot hand in the small of your back leading you to the dance floor, you are powerless to resist.”
Second, we're very pleased to announce that our good friend, Isobel Campbell, formerly of Belle and Sebastian, will be joining us to sing a very rarely performed tune that same night. Isobel has released two albums with Mark Lanegan of the Screaming Trees and has been in the studio recently working on her new album. Matt, J, and Scotty have been recording tracks which hopefully will be featured on the new work, expected to be released Spring 2010. We're excited about this new work and can't wait to see the finished record.
Photo by Casey Jones / IamJonesDesigns.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
KSCL, 91.3 fm: college radio has a new set of indie announcers and a concert series in the Centenary College shell
Music seekers may continue to find random godliness in the Shreveport ether at 91.3 on the fm wave, says Kelly Dunnigan.
It's KSCL: "We are an educational, non-commercial, college radio station broadcasting from Centenary College of Louisiana. We're completely student run and offer an eclectic mix of programs. The Shreveport underground music scene begins here."
The intrepid leaders, says kscl.blogspot.com, include Kelly Dunnigan, Zachary Osric Owens, Tyler Davis, and Cazes Verbois.
Recently I caught a Wed evening of carousal with Chris Jay, famously with Robinson Film Center but undergroundedly of the Pillage People.
This week Elizabeth Lawrence and Kelly Beresko announced the return of their program, Hi, How Are You? Says Beresko to Lawrence, "yow! i am super excited. and we definitely should get there early. possibly get coffee beforehand? OR stock up on arizona tea and grandma's cookies. hahaha. i cannot wait." That's Mon, 10 - 12 pm.
There's also the Alex Beeler Show. And the Dalzell Show. See the schedule here.
You'll see open slots, too. Dunnigan says, "if you live in the Shreveport/Bossier area, and have two hours of your week to spare, then you can apply for your very own show on KSCL 91.3! Check out available spots on our schedule page. Download a DJ application and send it to Kelly Dunnigan at kdunniga@centenary.edu."
KSCL is also producing concerts in the shell amphitheater. Says Verbois: Distant Lights, Pandemic, Her Sweet Autumn Misery. They will be performing in the Centenary Shell for free this Sunday 3 to 7 pm.
Also from Verbois: we will be hosting some very talented Hip-Hop Artists and DJs in a Free Concert on Sat, June 27! From 5-10pm! Located in the Center of Centenary Campus in the Shell Amphitheater, this show will feature the some Cool People such as:
Rhyme University
Deacon Strukt
Lil Joe
And Some Guest Appearances.
It's KSCL: "We are an educational, non-commercial, college radio station broadcasting from Centenary College of Louisiana. We're completely student run and offer an eclectic mix of programs. The Shreveport underground music scene begins here."
The intrepid leaders, says kscl.blogspot.com, include Kelly Dunnigan, Zachary Osric Owens, Tyler Davis, and Cazes Verbois.
Recently I caught a Wed evening of carousal with Chris Jay, famously with Robinson Film Center but undergroundedly of the Pillage People.
This week Elizabeth Lawrence and Kelly Beresko announced the return of their program, Hi, How Are You? Says Beresko to Lawrence, "yow! i am super excited. and we definitely should get there early. possibly get coffee beforehand? OR stock up on arizona tea and grandma's cookies. hahaha. i cannot wait." That's Mon, 10 - 12 pm.
There's also the Alex Beeler Show. And the Dalzell Show. See the schedule here.
You'll see open slots, too. Dunnigan says, "if you live in the Shreveport/Bossier area, and have two hours of your week to spare, then you can apply for your very own show on KSCL 91.3! Check out available spots on our schedule page. Download a DJ application and send it to Kelly Dunnigan at kdunniga@centenary.edu."
KSCL is also producing concerts in the shell amphitheater. Says Verbois: Distant Lights, Pandemic, Her Sweet Autumn Misery. They will be performing in the Centenary Shell for free this Sunday 3 to 7 pm.
Also from Verbois: we will be hosting some very talented Hip-Hop Artists and DJs in a Free Concert on Sat, June 27! From 5-10pm! Located in the Center of Centenary Campus in the Shell Amphitheater, this show will feature the some Cool People such as:
Rhyme University
Deacon Strukt
Lil Joe
And Some Guest Appearances.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Texas Shakespeare at Kilgore College, Van Cliburn Hall, opens July 2 and continues to Aug 2; more at www.texasshakespeare.com
The Texas Shakespeare 2009 Summer Season, according to Raymond Caldwell, includes:
* Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare; Performances at 7:30pm: Thurs. July 2nd & 16th, Sat.18th, Sun. Aug. 2nd
Matinee performances at 2:00pm: Thurs. July 9th, Sat. 11th, Fri. 24th, Sun. 26th
* Tartuffe- or The Imposter, a colorful, hilarious comedy about religious hypocrisy and duplicitous exploitation by Moliere; Performances at 7:30pm: Fri. July 3rd & 24th, Thurs. 9th , Sat. 11th, Sun 26th Matinee performances: July Fri. 17th, Sun. 19th, Thurs. 30th, Sat. Aug.1
* Love’s Labour’s Lost- an elegant, lovely and delightful Shakespeare romantic comedy set in the glamorous early 1950’s! Performances at 7:30pm: Sat. July 4th & Aug 1st , Fri 17th , Sun 19th, Thurs. 30th, Matinee performance: Fri 10th, Sun 12th, Thurs. 23rd, Sat. 25th,
* She Loves Me- one of the sweetest musicals you may never have heard of with music and lyrics by the Fiddler on the Roof team: Joe Masteroff, Sheldon Harnick & Jerry Bock.
Performances at 7:30pm: July 5th, Fri. 10th , Sun. 12th, Thurs 23rd, Sat. 25th Matinee performance: July 16th, 18th, 31st, Aug. 2nd
* Rumpelstiltskin- The fairy tale about the evil of greed and the virtue of kindness! Performances at 10:00am & 2pm: Tues 21st & 28th, Wed July 22nd & 29th, Thurs 23rd & 30th, Sat 25th & Aug 1st
Ticket Pricing $25.00 Regular tickets $20.00 Discount matinee tickets on specific days. $75.00 Season tickets for all 4 shows
Box Office Hours: Tuesday-Sunday @ 9am-5:30pm 903-983-8601
Location: 1100 Broadway Kilgore, TX 75662
Please see texasshakespeare.com or call 903 983 8601.
* Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare; Performances at 7:30pm: Thurs. July 2nd & 16th, Sat.18th, Sun. Aug. 2nd
Matinee performances at 2:00pm: Thurs. July 9th, Sat. 11th, Fri. 24th, Sun. 26th
* Tartuffe- or The Imposter, a colorful, hilarious comedy about religious hypocrisy and duplicitous exploitation by Moliere; Performances at 7:30pm: Fri. July 3rd & 24th, Thurs. 9th , Sat. 11th, Sun 26th Matinee performances: July Fri. 17th, Sun. 19th, Thurs. 30th, Sat. Aug.1
* Love’s Labour’s Lost- an elegant, lovely and delightful Shakespeare romantic comedy set in the glamorous early 1950’s! Performances at 7:30pm: Sat. July 4th & Aug 1st , Fri 17th , Sun 19th, Thurs. 30th, Matinee performance: Fri 10th, Sun 12th, Thurs. 23rd, Sat. 25th,
* She Loves Me- one of the sweetest musicals you may never have heard of with music and lyrics by the Fiddler on the Roof team: Joe Masteroff, Sheldon Harnick & Jerry Bock.
Performances at 7:30pm: July 5th, Fri. 10th , Sun. 12th, Thurs 23rd, Sat. 25th Matinee performance: July 16th, 18th, 31st, Aug. 2nd
* Rumpelstiltskin- The fairy tale about the evil of greed and the virtue of kindness! Performances at 10:00am & 2pm: Tues 21st & 28th, Wed July 22nd & 29th, Thurs 23rd & 30th, Sat 25th & Aug 1st
Ticket Pricing $25.00 Regular tickets $20.00 Discount matinee tickets on specific days. $75.00 Season tickets for all 4 shows
Box Office Hours: Tuesday-Sunday @ 9am-5:30pm 903-983-8601
Location: 1100 Broadway Kilgore, TX 75662
Please see texasshakespeare.com or call 903 983 8601.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Brandon Primus joins Dirty Redd's jam on Thurs, June 11, at the Noble Savage, 417 Texas
Dirty Redd's Thurs jam @ The Noble Savage Tavern, 417 Texas, has really been kickin, reports Blue Martin. "And this thursday, June 11, with special guest Brandon Primus in the house - I don't know what it's going to do, but I'm not missing it."
From the Brandon Primus myspace page: "Born on October 13, 1983, Brandon Marcele Spencer Primus grew up in Shreveport, LA. Brandon was heavily influenced by the music of Anita Baker, Grover Washington, Jr. and Kenny G from his mother, Purdetha Primus. Around the age of 7, Brandon began to experiment with the piano.
At about the age of 10, Brandon enrolled in beginning band at Keithville Middle School, where he discovered his true voice---the saxophone. After months of practice, he got enough courage to play a saxophone solo at a children's musical for his church, the Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church. He performed "When the Saints Go Marching In" and was given a standing ovation! This convinced Brandon that he should pursue playing the Saxophone throughout his life.
Brandon went on to Huntington High School where he played in the famous Huntington High School Jazz Ensemble in his Freshman year. Under the direction of Jordan "Chuck" Edwards, Brandon would now advance his quest for knowledge in music, specifically Jazz and Soul. He advanced so quickly that Chuck Edwards offered him a position in his personal R & B Band. Subsequently Brandon and a couple of his classmates formed a band called Music, Inc. and started to perform at most of the high society social events in the Shreveport area.
During Brandon's junior year in High School, he received an opportunity that would forever change his life. A community service organization called the One Hundred Men of Shreveport sponsored Brandon to attend the prestigious 5-week Summer Performance Program at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, Ma. Here, he had the opportunity to study and play with some of the world's greatest musicians.
After graduating from Huntington High School, Brandon attended the University of Louisiana at Monroe to finish the core curriculum so he could focus solely on Music studies at Berklee.
Brandon had the opportunity to study with Walter Beasley, a prominent Smooth Jazz musician and one of his childhood influences. He also studied Dennis Montgomery III, who is also from Shreveport and unarguably the greatest Organist Brandon has ever heard. After graduating from the Berklee College of Music, Brandon decided to move to New York. He started playing at open mics such as Ashford & Simpson's Sugar Bar, Cafe Wha, Club Groove NYC and the Village Underground. Playing at these places, Brandon started gaining exposure and created a following. He started sharing the stage with artists like Rashaan Patterson, Jody Watley and Jeffrey Osbourne and performing at places like BB King's Jazz and Blues Night Club in Times Square and the Birchmere in Alexandria, VA.
Next, Brandon received the opportunity to perform on the legendary television show "Showtime at the Apollo"! He simply wanted to showcase his talents here but he not only did that---he won three times and went to finals! While all of these performances were happening, Brandon worked on an album project entitled, "My Destiny". He wrote all of the songs and self-produced all of the music.
Check one of his youtube performances.
From the Brandon Primus myspace page: "Born on October 13, 1983, Brandon Marcele Spencer Primus grew up in Shreveport, LA. Brandon was heavily influenced by the music of Anita Baker, Grover Washington, Jr. and Kenny G from his mother, Purdetha Primus. Around the age of 7, Brandon began to experiment with the piano.
At about the age of 10, Brandon enrolled in beginning band at Keithville Middle School, where he discovered his true voice---the saxophone. After months of practice, he got enough courage to play a saxophone solo at a children's musical for his church, the Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church. He performed "When the Saints Go Marching In" and was given a standing ovation! This convinced Brandon that he should pursue playing the Saxophone throughout his life.
Brandon went on to Huntington High School where he played in the famous Huntington High School Jazz Ensemble in his Freshman year. Under the direction of Jordan "Chuck" Edwards, Brandon would now advance his quest for knowledge in music, specifically Jazz and Soul. He advanced so quickly that Chuck Edwards offered him a position in his personal R & B Band. Subsequently Brandon and a couple of his classmates formed a band called Music, Inc. and started to perform at most of the high society social events in the Shreveport area.
During Brandon's junior year in High School, he received an opportunity that would forever change his life. A community service organization called the One Hundred Men of Shreveport sponsored Brandon to attend the prestigious 5-week Summer Performance Program at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, Ma. Here, he had the opportunity to study and play with some of the world's greatest musicians.
After graduating from Huntington High School, Brandon attended the University of Louisiana at Monroe to finish the core curriculum so he could focus solely on Music studies at Berklee.
Brandon had the opportunity to study with Walter Beasley, a prominent Smooth Jazz musician and one of his childhood influences. He also studied Dennis Montgomery III, who is also from Shreveport and unarguably the greatest Organist Brandon has ever heard. After graduating from the Berklee College of Music, Brandon decided to move to New York. He started playing at open mics such as Ashford & Simpson's Sugar Bar, Cafe Wha, Club Groove NYC and the Village Underground. Playing at these places, Brandon started gaining exposure and created a following. He started sharing the stage with artists like Rashaan Patterson, Jody Watley and Jeffrey Osbourne and performing at places like BB King's Jazz and Blues Night Club in Times Square and the Birchmere in Alexandria, VA.
Next, Brandon received the opportunity to perform on the legendary television show "Showtime at the Apollo"! He simply wanted to showcase his talents here but he not only did that---he won three times and went to finals! While all of these performances were happening, Brandon worked on an album project entitled, "My Destiny". He wrote all of the songs and self-produced all of the music.
Check one of his youtube performances.
Sunday, June 07, 2009
The detailed chronicle of Alana Dyson in NYC at the French Culinary Institute at her blog, Little Foodie, Big Dreams
If you love cooking and love stories about chefs, check out Alana Dyson, a lass who found her calling a few years ago when she discovered haute cusine. Her blog, Little Foodie, Big Dreams, is on,like, 475 degrees.
Born and raised in Shreveport, she has pursued many artistic pathways. She has been a visual artist and a jazz singer. This year she decamped for NYC and the French Culinary Institute, where she seems to be paying serious dues - and not a small tuition, either.
This week a post opened, "I didn’t burn myself! Yay!"
Her profile says that she is working on a career in culinary journalism, at which I think she's doing quite well. With the exception of a lack of photos.
She continued, "Not burning myself was the main event of the evening last night, which is to say, it was a primarily uneventful evening. I was supposed to be saucier, and do the Poulet Roti Grand-Mere, but I ended up making the consommé because we were missing a garde manger, and one of the other groups had only 1 person, so we had a 4th member on team # 4. I was glad I got to switch because it’s difficult to make cocotte potatoes with a blister right where the knife sits on your hand when you’re cutting them."
Born and raised in Shreveport, she has pursued many artistic pathways. She has been a visual artist and a jazz singer. This year she decamped for NYC and the French Culinary Institute, where she seems to be paying serious dues - and not a small tuition, either.
This week a post opened, "I didn’t burn myself! Yay!"
Her profile says that she is working on a career in culinary journalism, at which I think she's doing quite well. With the exception of a lack of photos.
She continued, "Not burning myself was the main event of the evening last night, which is to say, it was a primarily uneventful evening. I was supposed to be saucier, and do the Poulet Roti Grand-Mere, but I ended up making the consommé because we were missing a garde manger, and one of the other groups had only 1 person, so we had a 4th member on team # 4. I was glad I got to switch because it’s difficult to make cocotte potatoes with a blister right where the knife sits on your hand when you’re cutting them."
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Dirty Blonde: River City Rep opens Mae West comedy with Seva May and Patric McWilliams on June 24
River City Repertory Theatre, Shreveport-Bossier’s professional theatre company, announces the opening of the comedy DIRTY BLONDE.
DIRTY BLONDE was nominated for five Tony Awards, including Best Play, in the 2000 Broadway season. This comedy, written by Claudia Shear, charts the rise of Hollywood’s Mae West, famous for her uninhibited sexuality and amusing, provocative double entendres. From her beginnings in vaudeville to her legendary stature as one of filmdom’s greatest stars the audience gets to see how carefully and confidently Mae West developed the extravagant, sexy, taboo-breaking public persona that was the hallmark of her fame. At the same time, this comedy explores the lives of two misfits who are her biggest fans. At once a love story, a musical and an amusing take on celebrity obsession, DIRTY BLONDE is a joyous celebration of Hollywood’s bawdy, ground-breaking female icon.
The show will be directed by Patric McWilliams with Light Design by David Gipson, Set & Costume Design by McWilliams, Musical Direction by Kermit Poling and Musical Staging by Anna Maria Sparke-Keele. The Production Stage Manager is Vanna Richardson.
620 Milam in downtown Shreveport
June 24,25,26,27 at 7:30 p.m. and June 28 at 3:00 p.m.
All seats $35.00
Box Office opens June 8th 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. daily
For information/reservations call the RCRT offices at 318-868-5888
DIRTY BLONDE was nominated for five Tony Awards, including Best Play, in the 2000 Broadway season. This comedy, written by Claudia Shear, charts the rise of Hollywood’s Mae West, famous for her uninhibited sexuality and amusing, provocative double entendres. From her beginnings in vaudeville to her legendary stature as one of filmdom’s greatest stars the audience gets to see how carefully and confidently Mae West developed the extravagant, sexy, taboo-breaking public persona that was the hallmark of her fame. At the same time, this comedy explores the lives of two misfits who are her biggest fans. At once a love story, a musical and an amusing take on celebrity obsession, DIRTY BLONDE is a joyous celebration of Hollywood’s bawdy, ground-breaking female icon.
The show will be directed by Patric McWilliams with Light Design by David Gipson, Set & Costume Design by McWilliams, Musical Direction by Kermit Poling and Musical Staging by Anna Maria Sparke-Keele. The Production Stage Manager is Vanna Richardson.
620 Milam in downtown Shreveport
June 24,25,26,27 at 7:30 p.m. and June 28 at 3:00 p.m.
All seats $35.00
Box Office opens June 8th 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. daily
For information/reservations call the RCRT offices at 318-868-5888
Friday, June 05, 2009
Josephine Carmody paintings at coolspace Thursday, June 18 through Saturday, July 18

Josephine Carmody paintings at coolspace Thursday, June 18 through Saturday, July 18
Originally uploaded by trudeau
Josephine's artwork has been chosen several times to be included in the annual calendar for Volunteers of America. Josephine's art has been in shows at Columbia Café and at The Little Shanty in Shreveport.
Please see her elegant web site at josephinecarmody.com.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Robinson Film Center's Birthday Street-Bash on Sat, June 6, 500 block of Louisiana Ave, Downtown Shreveport
The RFC, says Chris Jay, will celebrate one year of existence on Saturday, June 6, in the 500 block of Louisiana Avenue in downtown Shreveport with a massive street party including all-you-can-eat crawfish, live music, cold beer, and KING CREOLE playing on our giant inflatable screen.
Tickets are $50 and can be purchased by calling (318) 459-4122. All proceeds benefit The Robinson Film Center.
Tickets are $50 and can be purchased by calling (318) 459-4122. All proceeds benefit The Robinson Film Center.
Summer Dance Festival from La Dance Theater performance Sat, June 27, 7:30 pm, Strand Theater
Info: 861-3006, Carol Anglin Dancenter.
Entertainment industry: John Miralles's Animation & Visual Effects Program at LSUS growing; see upcoming courses
The Animation and Visual Effects Program is constantly growing, says director John Miralles. "We have completed construction of the student lab and graduate research lab! Now, we are constructing another state-of-the-art classroom to be completed by Fall 09."
He continues: "Thank you to everyone who attended the introductory workshops. We hope you have found them to be worthwhile and enlightening. For those who may not have attended a workshop and would like to, we are offering one on June 27th. Register online at www.ce.lsus.edu or call 318.798.4177."
This summer we are offering an Introduction to 3D Animation course. It is open to LSUS students and Continuing Education students. To register as an LSUS student you can enroll on Compass. As a Continuing Education student, contact www.ce.lsus.edu or call 318.798.4177.
Fall courses are now listed on Compass. If you have any trouble registering please let us know. For those who plan to enroll next semester in the program, we suggest you do it soon so you are guaranteed a spot. Each class is limited to only 20 students. I would like to get a head count of students enrolling next semester. Those who are planning to enroll in the Animation and Visual Effects Program at LSUS in Fall ’09, if you could, please e-mail me and let me know. This would help us out tremendously."
If you have any questions about the program or LSUS:
Jessica Brown
Animation and Visual Effects Program, LSU Shreveport
Jessica.brown@lsus.edu or avei@lsus.edu
He continues: "Thank you to everyone who attended the introductory workshops. We hope you have found them to be worthwhile and enlightening. For those who may not have attended a workshop and would like to, we are offering one on June 27th. Register online at www.ce.lsus.edu or call 318.798.4177."
This summer we are offering an Introduction to 3D Animation course. It is open to LSUS students and Continuing Education students. To register as an LSUS student you can enroll on Compass. As a Continuing Education student, contact www.ce.lsus.edu or call 318.798.4177.
Fall courses are now listed on Compass. If you have any trouble registering please let us know. For those who plan to enroll next semester in the program, we suggest you do it soon so you are guaranteed a spot. Each class is limited to only 20 students. I would like to get a head count of students enrolling next semester. Those who are planning to enroll in the Animation and Visual Effects Program at LSUS in Fall ’09, if you could, please e-mail me and let me know. This would help us out tremendously."
If you have any questions about the program or LSUS:
Jessica Brown
Animation and Visual Effects Program, LSU Shreveport
Jessica.brown@lsus.edu or avei@lsus.edu
Ballet, Jazz, & Modern Dance classes with Ashley Murphy of Dance Theatre of Harlem, NYC, July 6 - 24, at Carole Anglin Dancenter, Shreveport
Ballet, Jazz, & Modern Dance classes with Ashley Murphy of Dance Theatre of Harlem, NYC, at the Carol Anglin Dancenter, Pierremont Mall, Shreveport, LA, July 6-24, 2009.
Louisiana Dance Theater
4801 Line Avenue, Suite 18
Shreveport, Louisiana 71106
Phone: (318) 861-3006
Louisiana Dance Theater
4801 Line Avenue, Suite 18
Shreveport, Louisiana 71106
Phone: (318) 861-3006
Distant Lights, Pandemic, Her Sweet Autumn Misery at the Shell, Centenary College, Sun, June 7, 3 to 7 pm
KSCL's Cazes Verbois says: Distant Lights, Pandemic, Her Sweet Autumn Misery. They will be performing this Sunday, June 7, in the Centenary campus Shell amphitheater from 3 to 7 pm. No charge.
Photo Tiffany Bailey.
Photo Tiffany Bailey.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
A petition to complete construction of a city park in Ledbetter Heights as part of a Ledbetter Historic Entertainment District by community leader Ron Hardy
This letter is a call to action to the citizens of Shreveport. The construction of a City Park located in Ledbetter Heights will complete Proposition No.2 (Parks and Recreation) Citizens' Bond Issue which was approved by the Shreveport City Council February 13, 1996 (Resolution No.16 of 1996) and approved by the registered voters of Shreveport in a special election held April 20, 1996. The initial allotted funding for this project was $1,845,000.00. Currently, in the 2009 Capital Improvements Budget there is $1,334,000.00 available for this project to be completed.
Please support the construction of this Shreveport City Park on the land located on the West side of the 700 block of Lawrence Street. The perimeter of this area is Milam, Lawrence, Oakland and Hope Streets two blocks west the Municipal Auditorium. The Park, a component of SPAR, will be focused on music and art as they relate to recreation. The park will house a stage for live performances as pictured in the scale model of the Ledbetter Heights Historic Entertainment District, community economic development project, proposed by Playaz and Playettes, Inc. Please go to www.myspace.com/tarumbae3 to see the Ledbetter Heights Historic Entertainment District Scale Model and Legend. This project will improve the quality of life for the citizens of Shreveport through the creation, exposure and access to music and the arts. This project will also add to the historic artistic ambiance of Ledbetter Heights as it relates to the new Cultural Arts District adapted by the State of Louisiana for Shreveport. The project as well will create promote tourism and increase revenue to the downtown area.
Please take action and contact your local City Council Representative, the Mayors Office and other Elected Offices and voice your support for moving Shreveport forward in the arts and entertainment. Now is the time to implement this project as Millennium Film Studio begins to break ground in the development of their studio which is 5 blocks northeast of this proposed site.
See the petition here:
Ron Hardy
720 Hope Street
Shreveport, LA 71101
Please support the construction of this Shreveport City Park on the land located on the West side of the 700 block of Lawrence Street. The perimeter of this area is Milam, Lawrence, Oakland and Hope Streets two blocks west the Municipal Auditorium. The Park, a component of SPAR, will be focused on music and art as they relate to recreation. The park will house a stage for live performances as pictured in the scale model of the Ledbetter Heights Historic Entertainment District, community economic development project, proposed by Playaz and Playettes, Inc. Please go to www.myspace.com/tarumbae3 to see the Ledbetter Heights Historic Entertainment District Scale Model and Legend. This project will improve the quality of life for the citizens of Shreveport through the creation, exposure and access to music and the arts. This project will also add to the historic artistic ambiance of Ledbetter Heights as it relates to the new Cultural Arts District adapted by the State of Louisiana for Shreveport. The project as well will create promote tourism and increase revenue to the downtown area.
Please take action and contact your local City Council Representative, the Mayors Office and other Elected Offices and voice your support for moving Shreveport forward in the arts and entertainment. Now is the time to implement this project as Millennium Film Studio begins to break ground in the development of their studio which is 5 blocks northeast of this proposed site.
See the petition here:
Ron Hardy
720 Hope Street
Shreveport, LA 71101
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
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