Sunday, October 28, 2007

Gillette-Mangsen sing in Shreveport at Fairfield Studios on Sat, Nov 3, 7 pm

Gillette-Mangsen in Shreveport
Originally uploaded by trudeau
"Check out our next performing team: Steve Gillette & wife, Cindy Mangsen. This couple has been on the circuit for a long time now," says Candy Peavy. "You know they've gotta be good if they can make a living writing & performing music for any amount of time.

Aside from being just about the sweetest folks you'll ever meet, they spin a yarn and weave a melody and harmony together like nobody's business and do a yodeling duet that leaves you wondering 'how in the world.....?'

In a word, these dear folks are charming. Please come give them an
audience. You are sure to be charmed by their charm."

Steve Gillette and Cindy Mangsen
Sat. Nov. 3 at 7 pm.
Fairfield Studios
1510 Fairfield Ave
$15 at the door

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