"You know how you have that uncontrollable urge to sneak into people's houses to take a look around and eat lunch on their front lawns?" writes John Grindley.
"This time, you can do it with friends! And downtown! And it's legal! Rendevous on the Red's Downtown Tour of Homes is on Sunday!"
Participation: be 21 or over and bring a form of photo I.D. to 617 Texas Street (Robinson Film Center) on Sunday, beginning at 2 p.m. You will be signed up and on one of the comfortable iShuttle vans to begin your tour. You will get a map and information about each of the tour sites, which include:
• 600 block of Texas- a Drive-by
• 824 Texas Avenue (Bohemian chic)
• 826 Texas Avenue (Let your imagination run wild!)
• 1023/1035 Texas Avenue (Hidden secrets)
• 710 Crockett Street (an artist’s studio)
• 627 Crockett- a Drive-By
• 301 Crockett Street (2 units in Lee Hardware)
• 301 Crockett Street (2 units in United Jewelers)
• 229 Milam (4 unique units from artsy eclectic to historic traditional)
Afterwards, return to the Robinson Film Center for snacks and door prizes. The tour is free and will be held rain or shine. Not all buildings are ADA-accessible and many include stairs.
Sunday, April 3 ·
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Ch-ch-changes: Shreveport offers downtown tour of residences on Sun, Ap 3, 2 to 5 pm, free
Art returns to the Saturday session of the Shreveport Farmer's Market, which opens June 4
"There will be an information meeting at the Depot on Wednesday, April 20th, at 9:30 am and 5:30 p.m. for Artists who are interested in a space at the Farmers market," says SRAC's Vickie Marshall.
"You can attend either time slot and find out more about this wonderful opportunity. Spaces will be opened for Saturday market days only. The fee is not set yet, but will be small – somewhere around $10 or $15 and a tent or covered space will be provided."
Saturday Market:
June 4 through September 3
Tuesday Market:
June 7 through July 19
Tues: 3:00 pm-6:00 pm
Sat: 7:00 am-12:00 pm
101 Crockett Street - Under the Pavilion in Festival Plaza, Shreveport, LA 71101
Comedy of manners The Dining Room initiates Shreveport Little Theater's new Studio Series; performances on Fri-Sat, Ap 8-9
Top teen thespians directed by SLT’s Resident Director Jared Watson will do comedy in AR Gurney's The Dining Room, says Robert Darrow.
Shreveport Little Theatre is kicking off a new feature, the Studio Series, with three performances of The Dining Room by on April 8 & 9.
The student cast (in alphabetical order): Madison Edwards, Lindsey Fileccia, Isaac Haas, Madeline Hiers, Emily Mwakitawa, & Gentry Williams.
Production Stage Management is provided by Emily Kitchens assisted by Christopher White. Technical assistance is provided by Jacob Bates, Courtney Gaston, Tom Serio, Josh Talley, & David White.
The Studio Series aims to produce new plays and re-imagine classic plays in an intimate setting with a strong focus on story and character. In doing so, SLT hopes to attract new audiences and re-invigorate long-time theater-goers, says Darrow.
Friday, April 8 @ 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 9 @ 2:00 p.m. AND 7:00 p.m.
Running Time: 2 hours.
Tickets: $10.00 Adults, $6.00 Students
Impromptu performing arts judge: Brett Campbell, highly-credentialed journalist and critic; announcements and critics' talk by Robert Pincus Sat, April 2, 11:30 - 2:30 pm, Artspace Shreveport
Impromptu exhibit participants at Artspace Shreveport will hear the announcement of the awards in both performing arts and visual arts on Saturday, April 2nd, 11:30 - 2:30 pm, says Julia Foley.
Visual arts critic Robert Pincus, Ph.D. will offer an analysis of the show. See shrevearts.org or an earlier Shreveport Blog post for background on Pincus.
Newly announced is the judge for Performing arts entries. He is Shreveport native Brett Campbell, says Foley.
Campbell writes about the arts for The Wall Street Journal, Oregon Quarterly, Willamette Week, San Francisco Classical Voice, and many other publications. He has reviewed folk, rock and pop music in Austin for the Austin Chronicle.
Campbell was one of seven journalists from around the world chosen as a Getty Fellow in 2007 and as an NEA fellow at Columbia in 2005 and has been given critical access to the highest levels of visual arts, dance, theater, and music. He is a former editor of Oregon Quarterly and The Texas Observer, taught journalism at the University of Oregon, and lives in downtown Portland, Oregon.
A written critique will be provided to all Performing Artists, says Foley.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Bond election: online chat with Cedric Glover and Adam Causey on Wed, 11 am, Shreveporttimes.com
"Mayor Cedric Glover will join me at 11 a.m. Wednesday for a live online chat about next weekend's bond election," says the Shreveport Times' Adam Causey.
"Just come to www.shreveporttimes.com to send your questions. This proved pretty popular with readers during fall's local election cycle. If you can't get online then, send me your ideas ahead of time at acausey@gannett.com."
Bond election background from former city councilman Monty Walford and Mayor Cedric Glover
The following is from Mayor Glover and was forwarded by Monty Walford, who noted the recent circulation of misinformation:
"Regarding the upcoming city bond proposal and tax implications: The three propositions will require some 14 mills to leverage against the support of the $175 million bond. No millage (tax) increase is called for since the current city general obligation bond debt of $143 million is the lowest since 1992. The city's bond debt has provided the ability to add the current $175 million package without an increase. How?
- The current millage rate for bonds (debt services) is 26.56 (lowest since 1990), which is part of the overall city 44.54 ad valorem millage (lowest since 1989) and is projected to generate $37 million from current property tax payments in 2011.
- Of that $37 million, the city will only require $22 million of that amount to pay on the existing $143 million bond debt note. That is a use of only about 14 of the current 26.56 mills. Leaving some 12 mills to for new bonds. That combined with a fund balance at the end of 2010 in debt services of $50 million will cover the 14 mills as stated in the Council resolutions - without causing an increase.
The language in the resolution is a statutory requirement that mandates a listing of how many mills it will take to cover the issuance of the bond. In this case it's 14 and those 14 are already available within the existing 26.56 mills property owners are already paying, through their ad valorem tax, into debt services for bond payments. Thus, no increase. In fact, according to Finance, the city could issue up to $288 million in new bonds without an increase, but wanted to leave a residual as an emergency contingency.
These details are not political - they are what they are and however the citizens vote on April 2nd is their right. However, citizens have a right to have correct information.
All the city administration, Council, and Citizens' Bond Committee who selected the projects - made up of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents alike - are doing on April 2nd is asking the citizens for permission to place the current level of tax dollars they are paying toward addressing critical infrastructure needs.
Please visit www.shreveportbond2011.com for more information on this issue."
One public meeting for discussion of the bond issue remains: Wednesday, March 30, 6 pm, Riverview Hall.
Films on rebuilding Bosnia and appreciating the Cajun gulf coast airing at Centenary College Wed-Th, March 30, 31
Centenary College will host filmmakers Dr. Elizabeth Coffman and Ted Hardin this week, says Michelle Glaros.
Hardin and Coffman are the co-founders of Long Distance Productions, a media company dedicated to bridging the distances between people, cultures, and traditions. In 2002 they produced One More Mile: a Dialogue on Nation-Building, a feature film that screened in festivals and universities around the world.
They are currently co-producing Veins in the Gulf, a documentary based in southern Louisiana on the disappearance of Cajun culture, poetry, and the wetlands.
Public presentations and screenings include:
***Wednesday, March 30, 7 p.m., Whited Room in Bynum Commons
Screening, One More Mile: a Dialogue on Nation-Building
Free and open to the public
What happens when the bombs stop falling from the sky? How does a country heal itself after the devastation of genocide? What role does the world play in nation-building in countries such as Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, and now Iraq? One More Mile: a Dialogue on Nation-Building investigates the delicate and controversial role of the international community in a post-war society.
One More Mile centers on a series of interviews with individuals (from high-ranking international officials to Bosnian students, artists and workers) who recount their experiences in all phases of the recovery process - media, economy, education, law, the arts, and the more abstract healing of the soul. This feature-length documentary offers a glimpse into the personal and professional complexities of a massive, multinational reconstruction venture.
***Thursday, March 31, 11 a.m., Whited Room in Bynum Commons
Convocation: The Making of Veins in the Gulf
*** Thursday, March 31, 7 p.m., Whited Room in Bynum Commons
Screening, Veins in the Gulf
Free and open to the public
Veins in the Gulf is a documentary that traces the history of rapidly disappearing bayous, the environmental crisis of southern Louisiana, and the international impact of Cajun culture, which is quickly losing ground. Through interviews with fishermen, engineers, poets, and scientists, we bear witness as Louisiana residents confront the mortality of their culture and a community tries to solve its environmental crises.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Tetrafusion in Battle of the Bands in the Centenary College Shell, Shreveport, Sat, Mar 26, noon to 4:40 pm
KSCL, 91.3 fm, is hosting the 2011 Battle of the Bands Saturday March 26th in the band shell at Centenary College, says Cazes Verbois.
12:00 - Aevory
12:40 - Joshua October and the Wool
1:20 Brumley and Gardner
2:00 Jason Danowsky - Poet of Funk
2:40 Don't Forget Your Dinosaur]
3:20 Tetrafusion
4:00 As We March Towards the Sea
The Bands will each have 40 minutes to play. A panel of judges will announce winners at the end of the last performance for these prizes:
1st - 250 dollars
2nd - 150 dollars
3rd - 50 dollars.
In between show times and set-ups we will have the musical/crazy styling of the Goth Conglomerate.
Friday, March 25, 2011
CoHabitat Uncorked

Join CoHabitat as they celebrate their first year of community, collaboration, and coworking in Downtown with CoHabitat Uncorked.
Technology may not be quite like a fine wine, but it sure can be helpful for connoisseurs. Whether you're looking for food pairings, tracking your favorite labels, wondering how many calories your favorite bottle boasts, or looking for a safe way to get home after a night of wine tasting, the technology most of us carry in the palm of our hands can answer all of these questions and more.
Saturday April 2nd immediately following the CORK Wine Festival, CoHabitat will celebrate their one year anniversary by taking a look at the marriage of wine, food, fun and technology with CoHabitat Uncorked.
The event will feature wine, light refreshments, live music, featuring Mollie Walton Corbett along with assorted other musicians and interactive demonstrations of some of the most robust technology the wine world has to offer.
Uncorked is part of the Rendezvous on the Red series bringing great events to Downtown Shreveport and the Red River District and is free an open to the public thanks to a generous grant from the Downtown Development Authority and the Shreveport Bossier Fun Guide.
April 2nd from 6pm - 8pm and be sure to check out all the Rendezvous on the Red activities or visit http://www.rendezvousonthered.com/ and shreveportbossierfunguide.com
This event will be free of charge.
Where: 610 Commerce St., Shreveport, LA 71107
About: Shreveport-Bossier's creative workspace for entrepreneurs, developers, and designers.
Email: info@cohabitat.us
Phone: 318-759-7997
Website: http://www.cohabitat.us/shreveport
Transition to Sustainability Workshop

April 9,10, 2011 - Northwest Louisiana Permaculture
Location -10 miles north of downtown Shreveport, LA
Learn by doing, an opportunity for all members of the Northwest Louisiana Permaculture group.
April 9, 10 (Sat./Sun.) - Establishing a Food Forest
Forest gardening is a food production and land management system based on woodland ecosystems, but substituting trees (such as fruit or nut trees), bushes, shrubs, herbs and vegetables which have yields directly useful to humans. Making use of companion planting, these can be intermixed to grow on multiple levels in the same area, as do the plants in a forest.
Varieties of perennial trees, shrubs, climbers, ground cover, and nitrogen fixing support species have been chosen specifically suited for the local climate, and the design mimics all 7 layers found in a natural forest. These plants will be very young and some will take 5 or more years to become productive.
Please RSVP to receive details of the workshop. Or email Alana Oldham at alana_oldham@hotmail.com.
Stand With Planned Parenthood Meet-Up

Local supporters of Planned Parenthood
Gulf Coast will join together on Saturday morning, March 26th for an "I Stand
with Planned Parenthood Meet-up and Letter Writing Campaign" to highlight the
preventive and lifesaving services Planned Parenthood provides and to support continued funding for women's health care.
In the coming weeks, the Senate will vote on an extreme proposal that would
bar Planned Parenthood from receiving federal funding for preventive health
care, including lifesaving cancer screenings, family planning, birth control, and testing for sexually transmitted infections. Now is the time to call on our Louisiana Senators to use common sense and reject these
dangerous measures.
Please stop by, visit with friends, write a letter, and make your voice
heard! And please consider bringing a friend along.
Naked Bean Coffee Shop
3307 Line Avenue
Shreveport, LA 71104-4211
10am - 11:30am
"Getting Outer Space" at The Robinson Film Center, March 27 & 28
"It's equal parts drama and comedy," Falbaum said. "The idea was to insert moments of comedy into dramatic situations. I love awkwardness."
"Getting Outer Space" is being presented as part of the center's Regional Filmmakers Spotlight program, which makes screening space available for local and regional filmmakers to exhibit their original works at no charge to the filmmaker.
Watch a trailer for "Getting Outer Space" on Youtube here, or in glorious Vimeo HD here.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
New Orleans singer-songwriter Jeremy Reneau at Bistro Byronz on Sat, Mar 26, 8 - 10 pm
Went to myspace.com/jeremyreneau when E.D. Harkey Stewart wrote "Jeremy Reneau at Bistro Byronz this Saturday! Go check this awesome dude out while you still can in Shreveport. He'll be moving to NOLA soon!"
Well written pop tunes, clear voice, abundant talent: Monsieur Reneau sounds like someone to catch while one can.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Top-drawer composer-players Billy Burnette and Rafe Van Hoy performing a Nashville acoustic set at Bear's on Thurs, Mar 31, 8 pm
Two of Nashville's more celebrated songwriters, Rafe Van Hoy and Billy Burnette, are doing a show at Bear's on Thurs, March 31, says Hassell Teekell.
"Rafe has had 17 # 1’s and 15 Top 10 singles as well as 26 BMI Awards and a couple of Grammy Nominations. Billy has had several # 1’s including George Strait’s “River of Love” as well as his 10 years performing with Fleetwood Mac as their guitar player. Billy has also played with John Fogerty and Bob Dylan," points out Teekell, who has a publishing venture with the duo.
"They’ll be doing an acoustic show at Bear’s on Fairfield @ 8PM," says Teekell, who apologized for a paucity of advance notice.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Hopewell Cemetery & Coates Bluff Watershed community cleanup, Shreveport: 7.2 tons of trash moved by some 60 volunteers
"I want to take this opportunity to say Thank you and Behold!" writes Jon Soul.
"In three short hours on March 12, sixty volunteers proved that not only can a motivated group accomplish something perhaps impossible for one person alone, but together, they can also enjoy doing it. In my opinion, the latter is essential for sustained action and long term results.
So, together, we removed 14,400 pounds (7.2 tons) of trash from the Hopewell Cemetery. This total does not include the weight of the used tires, which were recycled by the city rather than land-filled. Of the 14,400 pounds, 9,900 pounds were recycled (see below):
- Trash: 4500 pounds
- Recycled Scrap metal: 9540 pounds (4460 from Section #3 alone)
- Recycled Plastic: 360 pounds
- Tires: 68.
Thanks again to all volunteers, organizations, Twang Darkly (the band), Hughes Recycling, Inc., and Shreveport Green for sponsoring this awesome event!"
Jon Soul
Outdoor Education Coordinator
The Montessori School for Shreveport
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Aladdin - Final performance Sunday March 20, 2011 3:00 PM
San Diego art critic Robert Pincus to judge Impromptu exhibit at Artspace Shreveport; critic's talk at 12:30 on Sat, Ap 2
"As the book and art critic at the San Diego Union-Tribune for more than two decades, Robert L Pincus’ work has reached all corners of the San Diego art world—from the city’s big arts institutions and museums to emerging artists just introducing their work," notes a San Diego blog.
Pincus is the juror for the prize-heavy Artspace Shreveport exhibit of regional artists called Impromptu.
Pincus will offer a Critic's Talk at artspace on Saturday, April 2nd, beginning at 11:30 am, says Julia Foley. His actual talk is listed as 12:30 - 2:30 pm.
"This is an exciting event for Artspace - in bringing a nationally known visual arts critic to Shreveport! This event is free and open to the public," adds Foley.
Friday, March 18, 2011
"A Chorus Line" at the Strand Theatre Thursday, March 24
”We have 302 tickets left for ‘A Chorus Line,’ with six days until the show, and we have just about 400 tickets left for ‘Legally Blonde,’ more than a month out,” Fogger said. Later, he added that ticket sales “are better than they have been since 2004, when ‘Les Mis’ came to town.”
While careful to stress that donations are still very much needed (donations account for one-third of all Strand Theatre income), Fogger is cautiously optimistic that this season – which has seen two sold-out shows and may see a third in “A Chorus Line” – could be indicative of brighter days ahead for the theatre that he so clearly loves. He doesn’t take credit for this season’s success, but will go so far as to say “I like to think that we had a diverse roster of shows, with some classics and some new stuff.”
To illustrate his point: the two sell-outs this season were “Monty Python’s Spamalot” and “Fiddler on the Roof.” For my money, this is a textbook example of an arts organization recruiting new fans with one hand while catering to its base with the other. It deserves to be applauded. Those of us who were able to get into “Spamalot” (more than 600 people were turned away or placed on a waiting list) saw with our own eyes that the average age in The Strand that night was 25-35.
What does this season say about next season? Danny won’t talk about what’s in store for next season, but will allude to “more shows that young people will be drawn to.”
For tickets to The Strand Theatre, call (318) 226-1481 or visit the Strand on-line.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Chimpanzee Discovery Day this Saturday at Chimp Haven
"At the first Discovery Day of the year, one of the best things is all of the fresh vegetation, the buds on the trees," Naranjo said. "The chimpanzees love to eat fresh vegetation."
She also encourages viewers to arrive early, as the chimpanzees are most active in the morning, before they've eaten their fill and found a shady spot to relax in. During a Chimpanzee Discovery Day, visitors have the opportunity to observe the chimpanzees in their forested habitats and tour the sanctuary using the groomed trails with views of two five-acre habitats from across a barrier moat.
Chimp Haven currently houses 134 chimpanzees, all in family groups ranging from 3-15 in size. For more info, visit www.chimphaven.org or call (318) 925-9575.
Help Bossier Arts Council paint martini glasses on Sat, Mar 19, in advance of the Artini event
BAC is having a Painting Party!
We have 400 Martini Glasses to paint -
Grab your favorite paintbrush and come help!
This Saturday, March 19 @ 3:30pm
BAC Annex
630 Barksdale Blvd. Bossier City
Your paintbrush (or a couple to share)
Adult beverage of your choice ;-)
Glass paint (dishwasher safe)
Martini glasses
And a fun time!
Libby Glass has donated 400 martini glasses to be hand-painted and sold at the ARTini fundraiser as momentos for our guests! Everyone gets to take home a piece of art!
You may choose to paint one glass, or twenty glasses... it's up to you - we surely can use the help!
or call 318-741-8312
Texas Ave Community Assoc announces call to crafters for April 30 Texas Ave Maker's Fair
The Texas Avenue Community Association presents the Texas Avenue Makers Fair on Saturday, April 30, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., says April Dahm, at the corner of Texas Avenue and Common Street in downtown Shreveport.
Vendors will be selling a wide assortment of hand-made goods ranging from clothing and fashion accessories to toys, food, and art. Live music will be performed by local musicians. Admission is free and abundant free parking is available near the event. Shoppers are encouraged to bring cash, as many vendors will not be able to process credit or debit card payments.
The Aseana Festival will take place adjacent to the Maker's Fair. The synergy between the 2 events should be spectacular, said Dahm.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
River City Rep at Riverview Theater: comedy the God of Carnage, Mar 30 - Ap 3
Jason Guy and Susan Kirton lead the Patric McWilliams-directed
comedy, The God of Carnage.
A new comedy by Yasmina Reza, author of the Tony Award winning comedy Art, it is a 90 minute ride that takes you into the most precarious place on earth: parenthood.
Ellen Lindsay and Luke Eddy also star in this River City Repertory production of the Tony award-winning play.
Mar 30 ~ 31 ~ Ap 1 ~ 2 at 7:30 PM
and Ap 3 at 3 pm
at Riverview Theater
600 Clyde Fant Parkway
All seats $35
$10.00 Rush Tickets: students and military with current ID
a half hour prior to curtain. No reservations can be made for rush tickets.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Inside Job, Academy Award winner in documentary, at RFC through Thurs, March 17
Inside Job: Academy Award Winner, Best Documentary
Documentary, 120 Minutes, Rated PG-13
3/15 - 7:30PM
3/16 - 5:30PM
3/17 - 5:30PM Final Screening.
Moonbot Studios, Shreveport, winner of Best Animated Short at Silicon Valley film fest, Cinequest 21
"Moonbot Studios is excited to announce," says William Joyce, "that we have won the Cinequest 21 Best Animated Short Award. We are ecstatic that our short The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore was chosen as number 1 by the Cinequest judges. We applaud all those who competed against us and are excited to see who will be in the next festival we attend!"
Check out the other award winners at http://www.cinequest.org/awards.php
CoHabitat update: Shreveport's Ken Hanson in winning tech group at SXSW
"Looks like Twin Engine made the final competition with their WalkIN
App developed on the start up bus to SXSW... Go, Wonder Twins!" writes John Grindley.
John Grindley
Interested in coworking/shared workspace?
Caddo Parish Talented Arts Drama Program has performance home at Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum, Shreveport
The Karpeles Manuscript Museum, 3201 Centenary Blvd.,
welcomes the Caddo Parish Talented Arts Drama Program.
The new home for TAP Drama performances is in Karpeles Museum, says Denise Dion. It is called Il Piccolo Teatro sotto un scale, or The Little Theatre Under the Stairs.
"Recently Caddo Parish Talented Arts Drama Program completed the transformation of the basement at The Karpele's Manuscript Museum into a theatre performance space. Thanks to a generous donation of used flats and scrap set pieces from the Shreveport Little Theatre we have built a very comfortable performance space for our program's spring performances.
Last week was our grand opening and the students presented
"Theophilus North" by Mathew Burnett based on the Thorton Wilder novel," said Dion.
All performances will begin at 6:00 PM and light refreshments are served at intermission. The performances are free but we encourage donations and as always accept used printer cartridges for the "Cash For Empties Program".
Jerry Finnegan's Sister by Jack Neary
March 24th & 25th
The Odd Couple female version by Neil Simon
April 7th & 8th
The Star Spangled Girl by Neil Simon
April 14th & 15th
Jerry Finnegan's sister by Jack Neary
May 5th and 6th
"Girltalk" by middle school students
May 12th & 13th
East Bank Theater Mar 11 - 20: Pat Maxey, Michael Blake Powell and Nate Wasson in The Complete History of America, abridged
Directed by Heather Hooper at East Bank Theater, the Complete History of America features abundantly-proven talent in stage mavens Pat Maxey, Michael Blake Powell and Nate Wasson.
Thurs - Sundays, Mar 11 - 20
The Company Repertory Theater
East Bank Theater
630 B'dale Blvd
318 741 8310
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Local short film, "Nobody But Her" Pre-festival Screening

"We could not have made this film if we did not have an amazing indigenous talent pool here in Shreveport. This film is proof of that talent", says film director, Phillip Jordan Brooks.
Nobody But Her is the terrifying story of 8-year old Greta and her abusive grandmother. After her grandmother's strange death, two detectives work to unravel the mystery by questioning the young girl, leading them to discover the shocking truth.
The cast includes Leah K. Thompson, Richard Folmer, Scott Gannon Patton, Directed by Phillip Jordan Brooks, and written by Roy Houston. Producers are Phillip Jordan Brooks, Dano Anderson, Execs: Cynthia D.B. Hoflich, Matthew Thompson, and Associate: Byron Taylor.
This local indie film will have a pre-festival screening at the Robinson Film Center, 14 March at 7:30pm. A reception will follow. For more information, please call (318) 459-4122.
St Patrick's, downtown Shreveport: Pub and Culture Crawl - Unwind Downtown Thurs, March 17, 5 - 9 pm
Come celebrate St. Pat's downtown with the Downtown Pub and Culture Crawl. Registration begins at 5:00pm at Artspace.
This Month's Participants and Specials:
Artspace - $3 Irish Beers, $4 Irish Punch, Luck of the Irish Pub Grub and live music from Patio Daddyo's.
Chicky's Boom Boom Room - $2 Green Miller Lite, $3 Killians/Smithwicks.
Sand Bar - $2 Green Miller Lite, $2.50 Killians, $3 Smithwicks, $3 You Call it.
Riverfront Billiards - $2 Green Miller Lite, $2.75 Killians and Smithwicks, and Free Pool.
Phoenix Underground - $2.50 Killians, $3 Smithwicks, $3You Call it.
Anyone 21 or older can register at Artspace from 5:00pm - 9:00pm (710 Texas Street). You will receive a Free passport to direct you to the participating locations. Preregister at http://www.shreveporthappyhour.com/unwind/
Also, under the Red River Bridge at Fatty Arbuckle's: the New Orleans band Flow Tribe, says Chase Boytim.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Roller Derby: Twin City Knockers versus the Vicious Vixens of Texarkana, 7 pm, Bossier City Hot Wheels, afterparty at 516 Texas St, Shreveport
Writes Blue Lee-Martin, "I recently discovered there's a roller derby team in our area (I know; where've I been!?). They have a bout, game, whatever you call it tonight at 7pm at the Bossier City Hot Wheels. Afterwards NXNW is sponsoring an afterparty at 516 Texas st. downtown Shreveport at 8:45am Sat, Mar 12."
"You know an hour of hardcore derby skating isn't enough to fill your Twin City Knockers and Vicious Vixens fix! Come party with us after the game at 516 Texas, where we'll have food, drinks, and Live Karaoke courtesy of The Cheapskates. And live music."
Lee-Martin adds, waving her arms and wiggling her toes, "I love having a local roller derby team."
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Pi(e) are Celebrated at SciPort on Pi Day, which is Mon, March 14
Monday, March 14 (3/14), is Pi Day (3.14), says Karen Wissing.
Sci-Port: Louisiana’s Science Center plans to host an array of activities exploring the value of the mathematical “pi.” Twill be a fun and tasty day of learning the significance of this important number.
Activity highlights include:
* Pi (Rep)eating Contest – Sing the Pi Song, and see how far you can go before losing your way.
* Pursuing Pi – Take part in the historical hunt for the value of Pi and Archimedes’ discovery.
* Pi(e) aren’t square – Create a tasty version of Liquid Nitrogen Pi(e), and then dig in!
Program and activities are free with admission to the Center.
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
National Endowment for the Arts' Rocco Landesman visits Shreveport Thurs, Mar 10, 10:30 - noon at the Strand
National Endowment for the Arts Chairman Rocco Landesman will hold a press conference and panel discussion at the Strand Theater on Th, March 10, 10:30 to 12:15, says Pam Atchison,.
Landesman, says the NY Times, is "the colorful theatrical producer and race-track aficionado who brought hits like ''Big River,'' ''Angels in America'' and ''The Producers'' to Broadway."
He was born and raised in St. Louis, MO, got his undergraduate education at Colby College in Maine and The University of Wisconsin, and earned a doctorate in Dramatic Literature at the Yale School of Drama, says Wikipedia.
He is "not famous for his skills as an administrator or diplomat. Rather, he is known for his energy, intellect and irreverent -- and occasionally sharp-elbowed -- candor."
The NEA is a major source of money for arts groups - budget about $155 million - around the country, notes the Times.
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
Renzi Education Center benefit: Red Beans / Green Beer on Sat, March 19, 6 - 10 pm, the Shop on Southern Ave
The Renzi Education and Art Center invites you to Red Beans/Green Beer, a benefit for Renzi’s free After School Program on Saturday, March 19th from 6-10 p.m. at the Shop, located at 2002 Southern Avenue in Shreveport.
Tickets are $20, and includes delicious red beans and rice made by the Broadmoor Council of Knights of Columbus, salad and bread by Good Eats, cookies by Wooden Spoon and all-you-can-drink green beer. Irish tunes and additional music will be performed by A Fine Romance and Twang Darkly.
Sponsored by: Barrett Appliance and Home Products, Broadmoor Council Knights of Columbus, Good Eats Market, Erin and Alan Berry, Wooden Spoon, Sara Hebert, Chris Jay, Ridgway’s, Dave Huval, A Fine Romance and Twang Darkly.
All money raised will directly benefit Renzi’s After School Program, which is totally free-of-charge and open to youth grades first through twelfth.
Monday, March 07, 2011
The Poetic Symposium

The Poetic Symposium is a program created to assist spoken word artists on a quest to heighten literary awareness, in both children and adults. Caddo Parish statistics state that 16% of adults in our community are illiterate. The program began at the Shreve Memorial Library Pines Road Branch in July 2010. A successful tour of four libraries in different low-income communities and a performance at the (SPAR) Shreveport Parks and Recreation/ Bilberry Park, followed the first event.
"Creative outlets form a place for those who feel threatened in a classroom environment to come out of their shell, find resources for help, and not be embarrassed about a growing and detrimental existing problem all over the United States", says Nicola Medley Bryant,of Consult Medley Publishing. "Our Program began at the Shreve Memorial Library Pines Road Branch in July 2010. A successful tour of four libraries in different low-income communities and a performance at the (SPAR) Shreveport Parks and Recreation/ Bilberry Park, followed the first event. The events where recorded and placed on DVD to assist the performers with digital examples of their work. We began the same program in 2011 including YouTube video’s to reach a younger more trendy market and boost the confidence of those who would perform."
The next Poetic Symposium will be held March 12, 2011, 3- 4pm, at the Atkins Branch Library, 3704 Greenwood Rd. Shreveport, LA 71109 featuring Poet Mocha Blue Blaze. Youth are encouraged to perform.
The event is free to the public,
For more information please contact 214-364-9852.
Friday, March 04, 2011
This just in: watch the Krewe of Gemini parade with Robert Trudeau, Shreveport, via your computer @ Shreveporttimes.com
Robert Trudeau, author of How to Mardi Gras, will be the guest host for the broadcast, which will begin at 4:30 p.m. Saturday. He will provide a history of global and local Mardi Gras celebrations and take questions from viewers.
Red and Black Brass band, Blanc et Noir in the Krewe of Highland Parade, Shreveport, Sun, March 6, 2 pm: Join us!
The krewe - a very loose aggregation of partiers - gathers about 1:30 pm at Columbia Cafe. The parade rolls at 2 pm.
Contributions to help pay the band are still needed. And dues/contributions are definitely adjustable.
What to wear? Mostly we wear motley black and white rags purchased at second hand stores or found in the attic. But there are no firm rules about costume. Comfortable shoes Are important.
More info? See the blog, blancetnoirmarchingsociety.blogspot.com to catch our tune. Or phone me at 318 861 1519.
The more the merrier. And if you love and honor New Orleans, Blanc et Noir is your krewe.
- Robert Trudeau
Thursday, March 03, 2011
Repping for righteous radio: Trudeau pitching for pledges between 6 and 8 pm Thurs at Red River radio; stream at redriverradio.org

Robert Trudeau's Second Line: Jesse Gabriel, Tre' Huff-Boone, Trudeau, Shreveport a photo by trudeau on Flickr.
Any amount will do.
Think about life in Shreveport-Bossier without public radio.
This is something to support, I humbly propose.
800 552 8502
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
George Hancock and Jazziana perform on Red River Radio during pledge drive, 9 pm, Wed; stream from redriverradio.org
"On Wednesday, Jazziana will be live in our studios at 9pm. On Friday Steve Howell will be joined by the superb bassist Joe Osborn for a live set at 9pm."
"On Monday, Buddy Flett and Friends bring on the blues and on Tuesday, AJ and the Two Tone Blues Band will light up the airwaves. Join us for each show, live on Red River Radio and be sure to call in and support live music on the air."
Janin Pou, Rachael Lee Magill, Phillip Brooks in Streetcar Named Desire at the re-opening of Shreveport Little Theater, 812 Margaret Place
The troupe opens with Tennessee Williams' classic drama, Streetcar Named Desire.
Box office - (318) 424-4439
Tickets -
$15. Seniors, Students & Active Military
$17. Adults
$10. Student Rush Tickets (limited)
Says Darrow, There's No Place Like Home!
Shreveport Little Theatre & Academy
812 Margaret Place
Shreveport, Louisiana 71101
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Tony Reans: see his pop art project on kickstarter.com
"Your support would be greatly appreciated! Click here to see my kickstarter.com project page.
If you join the effort and pledge in the next 10 days, you’ll receive wonderful thank-you gifts from me, including fine art postcards, prints, calendars, original art, and even a comic book likeness of yourself placed in one of my paintings!
You won’t be charged unless I make my goal by March 11th. Pledge $1 or more, in any increment of your choice. All payments are handled by Amazon.com.
I’m also working toward an exhibit in Dallas, in the fall, on a book cover illustration, and much more. Visit my website and my facebook pages to see more, or contact me for more information."
Byron Stripling: jazzman trumpets with Shreveport Symphony Orchestra on Fri, March 4, 7:30 pm, Riverview Theater, Shreveport
"Celebrate Mardi Gras with a salute to Satchmo and the Big Easy," says Leah Escude. "Double-threat Byron Stripling brings his incomparable trumpet virtuosity and distinctive vocal styling to the RiverView Theater as we enjoy authentic New Orleans Lagniappe!"
FREE SHUTTLE SERVICE - starts at 6:30 PM
Free shuttle service runs from the Regions Bank parking garage at the corner of Milam & Market Streets.
More at Shreveportsymphony.com.
Baroque Artists of Shreveport concert Sun, March 6, 3 pm, St Mark's Episcopal
Performers include Theresa Zale Bridges, Sally Horak, Jennifer Carsillo, Angela Russell, Daniel Santilices, Adrienne Gabriel, Ruth Drummond, Christopher Allen, Gay Grosz and Donald Smith.
The concert is free and open to the public.