Friday, August 31, 2007

Why we will be ecstatic at the opening concert of the Shreveport Symphony Orchestra on Sat, Sept 15, 7:30 pm

Yoonjung Han, pianist
Originally uploaded by trudeau
Riverview Theater will be bustling with nicely-dressed people and a spirit of benevolence akin to that produced by Vedic soma will issue forth from the assembled throng.

That's how I see the opening of the Shreveport Symphony's 60th season.

May I offer that the orchestra, composed of highly-skilled adult performers working like priests to mesmerize us, is a gift more precious than ever in this shnoggy era?

Tickets to the season upon us, called Symphonic Fusion because music director Michael Butterman is too alive and electric to be contained by one format, are cheap for the value.

If I sound like a ticket salesman it is because I willing don the mantle of the devotee. I place my hands upon thy cranial crown and pray for you
and your family to be healed by the power of the Shreveport Symphony Orchestra.

Call 227-8863 for your ducats before the salad arrives, is what I say.
Personally, I like the package called Anytime Tickets. It is an enormously smart deal, you'll see at the web site.

The particulars? One well-planned concert after another from the tight but effervescent team at the SSO. Mozart's Overture to The Marriage of Figaro was the first piece performed at the premiere Shreveport Symphony concert in November of 1948, says Scott Green. The SSO will begin its 60th season celebration with the same selection.

Nena Plant Wideman performed on that historic evening, and in her honor, Yoonjung Han, winner of the 2006 Wideman competition, will join the Symphony to perform Listz's Piano Concerto No. 1.

Tchaikovsky's Capriccio Italien, also perfomed at the inaugural concert, will round out the season opener.

See you there, near the very front of the seating in the Riverview, the better to ritually bathe in the holy music.


Anonymous said...

Those are all nice works, but, truth be told, that's a really boring program. All of the works have been played sooooo many times it's like a rock show with Stairway To Heaven, Freebird and In A Gadda Davida.

Anonymous said...

Duh, did you read the article?? It's an exact replica of the first concert 60 years ago--to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the symphony. Read before you blog!

Anonymous said...

Actually, the article doesn't say that anywhere directly. It says two of the pieces are the same, but the Liszt isn't specified as having been played in that concert. Anyway, these works were still chestnuts even 60 years ago. This would be a good concert for people new to classical music, but it's very mundane for people who listen to it often.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about the Liszt. I'm assuming that the point is not to enlighten (or bore, as you imply) music-goers, but to enjoy the novelty of hearing the first concert of this cultural organization. I think that's pretty neat, and yes, I've heard those pieces before--but I will enjoy stepping back in time. (Especially since I wasn't even near to being around 60 years ago!) So, I'll be really looking forward to going. I hope you'll come to the birthday party, as well.