A tsunami of modern art awaits at 710 Travis St, downtown Shreveport. Behind the freshly painted, bright green railing of the building - the former YWCA - opening ceremonies will celebrate the Marlene Yu Art Museum and the
Rainforest Art Foundation.
Those attending the reception on Sun, Dec 21, 1 to 4 pm, will see more than the giant, buoyant canvasses painted by Marlene or the galleries freshly filled with verdant work by regional artists. At the center of this vortex of renovation and art display is a trio of Shreveport newcomers whose energy is visible in the building, the art and the event.
They are James Yu, NYC property developer and art gallerist, Marlene Yu, artist, and their daughter, Stephanie Yu Lusk, developer and curator.
Part of a renaissance of downtown refurbishment, the Yu-refreshed building is a block away from Lofts@624, the Texas St retail and apartment development being produced by New Orleans-based developer Roland Von Kurtanowski. It is a block from Artspace, Where Pam Atchison continues to transform another historic Texas St building. It is only a few blocks from Big D's BBQ performing venue and from Millennium Studios.
While James and Marlene Yu embody a very approachable serenity, it is Stephanie Yu Lusk who is the pumping fountain of get-it-done. She is busily dressing Shreveport in a fresh coat, hat and cape of green.
They are not to be taken for granted; it is time for Shreveport to meet the entire Yu family.