Saturday, April 19, 2014

Higgs boson and the Hadron Collider: physics prof opens movie "Particle Fever" at Robinson Film Center, Shreveport, on Sat, Ap 19; movie extended to May 1

Robinson Film Center will host Louisiana Tech University physics professor Dr. Lee Sawyer at a screening of the new documentary “Particle Fever” at 5 pm, Sat, April 19 at RFC, says Alex Kent. Sawyer will introduce the film and follow with a Q&A.

Imagine a documentary that captured the moment Thomas Edison turned on the film light bulb: the thrill of discovery, captured for the world to see. That’s what happens in “Particle Fever,” where audiences follow six scientists during the launch of the Large Hadron Collider. Not only does this giant machine represent the most expensive experiment in the history of the planet, but it helps 10,000 scientists from around the world ask one big question: by recreating the conditions that existed just moments after the Big Bang, can we explain the origin of all matter? If confirmed, does the Higgs boson (a.k.a. the God particle) help explain why we exist?

“I am happy to be a part of the screening of ‘Particle Fever,’ a movie that captures the excitement of discovery and wonder for those of us who work in high-energy particle physics,” said Sawyer. “Louisiana Tech is fortunate to take part in experiments at the Large Hadron Collider, the largest scientific instrument ever built, and I hope the audience for ‘Particle Fever’ will be able to share in our excitement.”

Tickets, $7.50 ($5.50 for RFC members). Purchase tickets online or call the RFC box office at 318.459.4122. Run time: 99 mins. Particle Fever has been extended to May 1.

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