Wilder Place, South Highlands, Shreveport
Originally uploaded by trudeau.
If only all organizations gave the public the opportunity to post evaluations. Certainly many organizations get acidic email bombs flung out by the unhappy and the demented. But one imagines the sort of systematic survey offered by Shreveport Green will be used rather than tossed.
If you are just catching up with the organization, here are Shreveport Green Highlights from their web site:
Twelve National Awards for excellence in programming.
One hundred twenty-five beautification projects, including planting over 20,000 trees.
Reduced litter as measured by the Litter Index Score of 1.8.
Cost Benefit to the City of Shreveport - $7.28 for every $1.00.
One of the top telephone book recycling programs in the South.
Tree City USA status maintained every year since 1991. Growth Award since 1998.
Rewrote Shreveport Tree Ordinance in 1995.
Total volunteer hours for 2003 - 35,715.
ShrevCORPS has completed 98 community projects since 1994.
Annual Great American Cleanup enlisted 8,190 volunteers in 2003.
Neighborhood Program includes 27 neighborhoods.
National Tree Trust Branching Out Award in 2000.
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