Pink Floyd - Atlanta - Meddle Tour
Originally uploaded by arlo forbes.
Unnamed *fashionados* are on a search for tight & swank items from your attic for use in an upcoming exhibition called In Fashion: The Art of Style. So says Pam Atchison of Shreveport Regional Arts Council.
"Bring your pre-1980's fashion & accessories to Artspace Sat, Jan 13, 4 to 8 pm," says Artspace director MaryBeth O'Connor.
Not so fast, honey: after evaluating your items the millinery mullahs will ask you to take them home and await a notification. Yet the release says "All items will be photographed and included in a slide show that will be presented during the Exhibition." Rarely does democracy find such a place in the devilish world of style.
Maybe this show will shed light on the reality of 60's and 70's and even 50's and 40's style. It's no secret that the 60's Days, 70's Parties and even 70's bars don't get it.
Army surplus over jeans. Used cowboy boots from Goodwill in Vicksburg. Blue bandana and Radiators T-shirt. They're going to love me and my Stop the War Now banner, aren't they?
Ah, the salad days.
Wow. The lameness of this idea is astounding. I mean, as if anyone in Shreveport would have anything fashionable from that era so beloved of baby boomers. I bet they get plenty of oilfield attire, though. And maybe some cheesy polyester western wear.
And why do they do an artless show when artists are clammoring for attention? Typical.
First, a Deck the Halls show featuring an UNBELIEVABLE number of non-local artists.
Then, a porn-themed Christmas in the Sky trash-a-thon.
Now, this?
Cedric, I hope you're paying attention.
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