Backstage at Xmas in the Sky: Vinciane Degueldre
Originally uploaded by trudeau.
As one of the arts people who both volunteers for and is sometimes contracted for work by Shreveport Regional Arts Council, I can speak to the importance of the big box fundraiser called Christmas in the Sky. Presented at LaDowns every 2 years, Sky is an opportunity for the community's artisans to create a fantastical party.
The comfortable class attends Christmas in the Sky so as to support SRAC - and therefore, benefit people like me. This year tickets are $200 per. And artists as well as SRAC hope that attendees will bid generously on the art they will see all around them.
My biggest project for SRAC has been writing the children's activities for the Faces of Katrina exhibit. In some 3 months of work I produced a 50-page booklet filled with background on New Orleans and activities designed to integrate educational goals with an appreciation for Crescent City culture. I shot and edited 2 videos; one was for teachers and one taught the Second Line. I produced a soundtrack for Faces of Katrina, too, featuring solo piano by Steve Ramey, interviews with Katrina refugees and topped by a song loaned by Monica Blake Mickle.
Figured on a per-hour basis, my fee amounted to minimum wage. Like many of SRAC's contracted workers, I was happy to add volunteer time to the mix. Part of my pay came in the satisfaction of knowing that hundreds of students participated in the writing, art and media activities.
In my observation - over the course of numerous events and projects - Pam Atchison is a careful and bargain-minded administrator of the SRAC budget. And I appreciate the arts council for raising the quality of life in the region.
You should go to Artspace. It is currently open 10 - 6, Tues through Sat. Bringing your neighbors and friends to Artspace is not a bad idea. For creating that high-toned gallery in a once-abandoned building you would have to say that SRAC is hitting an admirable mark of leadership and effectiveness.
May Christmas in the Sky partiers enjoy and spend lavishly. In my considered opinion, everyone in the region will profit from the exchange.
Christmas in the Sky benefit & art auction
Sat, Dec 9
7 pm to 3 am
Louisiana Downs
SRAC: 673-6500
Please see more backstage at Xmas in the Sky snaps at SptFaces.
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