Art show, refreshments and the rich tradition of music at First Presbyterian Shreveport.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Art for sale at First Pres, 900 Jordan St, Shreveport, on Tues, Dec 4 and Wed, Dec 5
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Requiescat in pace, keyboardist Donald Lynch Smith of St Mark's Episcopal and the Baroque Artists of Shreveport
"With sadness, I share news of the death of Don Smith on Thursday, November 22, which is the feast day of St. Cecilia, the patron saint of musicians," writes Daniel Santilices.
"Don was a harpsichord-continuo performer with Baroque Artists of Shreveport for many years. As BAS principal violinist Laura Crawford has eloquently stated, 'We love him and spent some of our happiest hours in life playing beautiful music with him....a most charming, noble, outstanding musician and friend.'"
He recently completed 28 years of service at St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral as Organist and Choirmaster. He worked with the church choirs, boys choir and hand bells and was the Director of chapel music and choir in the Day School until assuming the role of organist and choirmaster in the fall of 1987.
A memorial service will take place Saturday, December 8, 2012, at 2:00 at St. Mark's Cathedral.
"Before he passed away, Don requested that the Baroque Artists of Shreveport perform for his memorial service and we are planning to fulfill his wishes.," adds Santilices.
A friend in town for the holidays: massage therapy by New Orleanian Destiny Toro in Shreveport, Dec 17 - 22
Destiny Toro at Refuge Meditation Group, 622 Jordan St.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Wideman International Piano Competition at Anderson Auditorium, Hurley Music Bldg, Centenary College, Shreveport, Nov 30 - Dec 2
It is an annual moment in the global limelight for Shreveport. The world's best young pianists, their hosts and regional aficionados arrive at Anderson Auditorium, Centenary College, for the Wideman International Piano Competition.
Forty-six contestants from sixteen countries will compete for the gold, silver, bronze, and honorable mention titles, says Lester Senter Wilson.
This year free performances will take place Nov 30-Dec 1.
- Fri, Nov 30, 10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. and 2:30-6:30 p.m.
- Saturday, Dec 1, 9:30 am-1:00 p.m. and 2:30-6:00 p.m.
- Finals: Sun, Dec 2, beginning at 1:00 p.m. Admission for the final competition is $5. or
318.869.5235 or 601.366.4843.
Buddy Flett at Bears on Fairfield, Shreveport, on Wed, Nov 28, 6 to 9 pm
Listen to Buddy Flett at Bears on Fairfield 6-9 pm, Wed, 11.28.12, says Bruce Flett.
Buddy's "Third House on the Left," performed live by Kenny Wayne Shepherd featuring Buddy Flett, is on a brand new
CD. Hear it on “Songs After Sandy: Friends of Red Hook for Sandy Relief,” featuring Ringo Starr and others, says Flett.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Gallery talk on the book, Clementine Hunter, Her Life and Art, LSU Press, at Meadows Museum on Sun, Dec 2, 2 pm, at Meadows Museum, Shreveport
Author Tom Whitehead will speak from 2 to 3 pm on Sun, Dec 2, about his book, Clementine Hunter, Her Life and Art, says Diane DuFilho.
Timothy Jones, Shreveport native now internationally acclaimed singer, plus Children's Chorus and Louisiana Dance Theater promise full houses for Holiday Pops concerts by the Shreveport Symphony Orchestra on Sat, Dec 15, and Sun, Dec 16
Timothy Jones, a bass-baritone acclaimed in Europe, South America, Canada and the US, will return to hometown Shreveport to sing for the SSO Holiday Pops concert, says Michael Butterman.
The audience will also inhale the Holiday Pops Children's Chorus and fresh choreography for the young dancers of Carol Anglin's Louisiana Dance Theater.
Holiday Pops concerts by the Shreveport Symphony Orchestra at Riverview Theater are 7:30 pm, Sat, Dec 15, and 2:30 pm on Sun, Dec 16.
Tickets online.
Monday, November 26, 2012
In Fast Company interview John Grindley touts Shreveport's housing bargains, crunchy food and crucial tax credits
In a story by David Dax in, CoHab's John Grindley was persuaded to divulge a few of the secrets that are making Shreveport the vibacious stealth center of tech-minded Louisiana.
The story is entitled, "$1,000 Rent, Tax Credits, And "Shrimp Busters": Why You Should Start Your Startup In Shreveport."
A taste of the Dax story . . .
"Silicon Bayou, anyone? John Grindley, the executive director of CoHabitat Foundation, makes a case for the Louisiana town at the top of the boot.
How did Shreveport become a tech hub?
There was a big oil bust in the '80s, and a lot of industry left. We had a hangover for 20 years, with not much diversity in our economy. Louisiana decided they wanted to attract a diverse, creative economy, and gave tax credits to film and digital media. Then further tax credits kicked in for software development. Initially that seemed to only apply to videogames, but we got the law changed to be interpreted as applying to all software development in the state, and that blew the doors wide open. Originally when the film industry came seven or eight years ago, they landed in New Orleans, but Hurricane Katrina made people shift focus to other parts of the state."
Shreveport native Victoria Williams sings on Sun, Dec 16, 7 pm, at Fairfield Studios
Songs written by Victoria Williams have been covered by a number of great artists, says Jim Huckabay, including Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder ("Crazy Mary"), Lou Reed ("Tarbelly and Featherfoot") and Lucinda Williams ("Main Road"). She has appeared on "The Tonight Show", "Conan O'Brien", "The David Letterman Show" and toured internationally. A Shreveport native who has resided for the last twenty years in Josua Tree, California, she returns to her hometown for her first concert here in ten years.
Sun, Dec 16, 7 pm.
House concert series, Fairfield Studios.
$20. Cash only.
318- 219-7688.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Volunteers: help finish the fantastic decorations created to illuminate Christmas in the Sky, the bi-annual benefit for SRAC's artist fund
"Less than 2 weeks to Christmas in the Sky," says Shreveport Regional Arts Council's Julia Foley. "We could really use your help finishing the sets. If you can volunteer...head over to Louisiana Downs to the 3rd floor."
Join the gang of SRAC creatives, says Foley, "Every day from Noon to 9pm."
SRAC: 318-673-6500
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Noids & fellow sonic warriors kill fascists at Big D's BBQ, Shreveport, Sat, Nov 24, beginning at 6 pm
When it's the holidays and hairy traveler Paul Garner rolls into town, keep a weather eye upon the green Common St complex known as Big D's BBQ.
For here the young men and lassies can spin tales of their rambling as they strum under the sky and off the grid, mostly.
What would Leadbelly do?
From 6 pm. Valet parking.
Holiday art party on Thurs, Nov 29, 5 to 8 pm, at Gallery Fine Art Center, Bossier
The "Wrap It Up: Holiday Art Reception" is an art party to which all are invited and welcome.
Thurs, Nov 29 between 5 - 8 pm at Gallery Fine Art Center, 2151 Airline Drive, Suite 200 in Bossier City.
Enjoy perusing the art in advance.
It is also an event for Bossier Chamber After Hours, and Meredith Hamrick Events, LLC Ribbon Cutting.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Barnwell's final exhibit before being closed for renovation: painter Judy Horne and 30 additional artists open Sun, Nov 25, reception 2 to 4 pm
"Come see works by almost 30 artists in the Main Gallery and a selection of paintings by Judy Horne in the Corridor. These are the final exhibits at the Barnwell before it closes at the end of December for bond issue renovations," says Horne.
Barnwell Center
601 Clyde Fant Pkwy, Shreveport
(318) 673-7703
Monday, November 19, 2012
Minicine? event, Xmas Under Da Ground, Sat, Dec 8, offers both local short film And wall-hung art; the non-film art deadline is Dec 2
While the deadline for the 5 minute-maximum film entries - shot in Shreveport - is Tues, Nov 20, there's another dimension of Xmas Under da Ground: the walls will be hung with flat art.
Says curator Conchita Iglesias McElwee, "People have a weird perception it's just film. Not so. I am the art contact. The non-film art deadline is Dec 2."
Send images and proposals to
Phenomenal New Orleans singer-player Theresa Andersson performing at Bistro Byronz, Shreveport, in series of Thurs shows beginning Nov 29,8:30 pm
Genius on violin, percussion, guitar, voices and looping, Theresa Andersson is a fountain of music.
Bistro Byronz presents Andersson on Thursdays at 8:30, beginning on Nov 29, says Emelie Kantrow Alton.
Two minutes into one of her youtube videos ("Na na na" has won 1.5 million views) one realizes that Andersson is a beautiful creature from another musical realm. First, she is a one-woman show; then top players are added to her musical flying carpet.
Raised in Gotland, Sweden, she has lived in New Orleans since age 18.
Her husband is puppeteer Arthur Mintz, the lad who brought a live-action puppet show called The Fantastic Mr Fox from New Orleans to Artspace Shreveport in 2011-2012. He has returned to Shreveport for a project with Moonbot Studios.
Highly, highly recommended.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Highland Jazz & Blues Fest, Shreveport, Sat, Nov 17, 11:30 am to 5 pm

Highland Jazz & Blues Fest, Shreveport, Sat, Nov 17, 11:30 am to 5 pm, a photo by trudeau on Flickr.
Music, food, beer, crafts and dancing and catching up with your friends.
Bring a chair!
Friday, November 16, 2012
Shreveport Symphony Orchestra performance on Sat, Nov 17, 7:30 pm, Riverview Theater
Michael Butterman conducts a performance of Beethoven and Midkiff. With the less-familiar composer Midkiff being a virtuoso mandolinist from Virginia.
Tickets here.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Touring in an old van with a three-legged dog: The Skies Revolt at Bears on Fairfield on Wed, Nov 14
The Skies Revolt are trying to redefine the alternative rock genre with a quirky blend of indie sound, catchy electronics, and aggressive, pumping beats, says Rachel Miller. She calls it joyful indie-rock exuberance,
Bears is giving the group a warm Shreveport welcome, if you know what I mean. They are David Prindle (vocals/guitar/electronics), Jarred Irby (bass/vocals), Bobby Dowell (guitar/vocals), and Eli DenBesten (drums/vocals),
If their schedule held, they played a gig at Maxine's in Hot Springs prior to arriving here. Discuss.
More here.
Party Like There's No Tomorrow to support arts programs: Christmas in the Sky on Sat, Dec 8, Harrah's La Downs
Winner of numerous awards and encomiums, including the over-the-top Special Events Magazine Best Gala in the World Award, Christmas in the Sky is produced every other year
by the Shreveport Regional Arts Council.
Buy tickets online. They are $280 each. Online registration closes Dec 2.
This dressy, crunktacular gig sells out every time. If the Mayan calendar has anything at all to tell us, it is that this will probably be the last Christmas in the Sky. So look sharp.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Highland Jazz & Blues Fest serves food, beer and music from 11:30 am to 5 pm in Columbia Park, Shreveport, on Sat, Nov 17

Highland Jazz & Blues Fest, Shreveport: Michelle Loridans and Emma Busi, left, a photo by trudeau on Flickr.
Big Bill Morganfield, AJ Cascio and a gang of blues players fill the HJ&BF schedule, but in the Gazebo you will find a bit of jazz. Winston Hall is scheduled for 12:45 and the Total Choice Jazz Band plays 2:45 to 3:45.
The free fest is as much about the beer, food and crafts booths as anything. Kenney Koonce advises "Bring plenty of cash!"
We encourage you to ride a bicycle to the fest.
Under the Pavilion -
Buddy Flett, Jerry Beach Band, Scotty Boy Daniel, Glenn Rainey Band, AJ and the Two-Tone Blues band and Big Bill Morganfield.
In the Gazebo -
Hardrick Rivers Revue, Winston Hall Group, Bobby Mercy Oliver, and the Total Choice Jazz Band.
Among the numerous food offerings -
Burnin Spear
Ki Mexico
Stir Tapas
Marilynn's Place
More at
Monday, November 12, 2012
Travis Whitfield photos from Keatchie, La, in the 1970's on display at Louisiana State Exhibit Museum; reception Thurs, Nov 15, 5 to 7 pm
Chronicling the lives of the older African American residents of Keachi (Keatchie), Louisiana, seemed a natural pursuit for painter Travis Whitfield in the 1970's. He captured his friends through painting, photography and audio recordings.
"Further on Down the Road" is a multi-media exhibit offering those images to the world.
Whitfield was raised near the small town of Linden, Texas. He grew up in primitive living conditions, he says. As a child, Travis started drawing from nature.
Travis was a "country boy," as he puts it, but graduated from the University of Houston (BFA, '68).
In the early 1970's he was at Tamarind Institute (a lithography workshop) in Albuquerque and taught watercolor at the High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Houston.
He moved to Keachi, where he had previously worked. There he established his studio and began the recording of faces and stories that have resulted in this show.
"Further on Down the Road" opens Thurs, Nov 15 and continues through Fri, March 15, 2013. No charge.
See images and story at
LSEM: (318) 632-2020
Jeff Midkiff, mandolin, joins the Shreveport Symphony Orchestra on Sat, Nov 17, 7:30 pm, Riverview Theater
The music in this concert not only evokes impressions of rivers, mountains and rainstorms, but also lives influenced by the natural world, says Michael Butterman.
The performance is Sat, Nov 17 — 7:30 pm, RiverView Theater.
- The Moldau by Smetana.
- Beethoven's Symphony No. 6, the Pastorale.
- From the Blue Ridge, Jeff Midkiff.
Free ‘Inside the Music’ pre-concert talk starts at 6:30 PM.
Free shuttle starts at 6:30 PM.
Shuttle picks up at Regions Bank parking garage at the corner of Milam & Market Streets.
Tickets & melodies from the show.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Shirley Q. Liquor to entertain Shreveport at Karpeles Manuscript Museum Friday, 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
Made in Shreveport movies under 5 minutes length to be screened at Xmas Under Da Ground, Sat, Dec 8, at minicine? Submissions by Tues, Nov 20
minicine? is gearing up to host x-mas under da ground, the every-other-year, open, all-inclusive exhibition of “Made in Shreveport” film, art and music. This year’s multi-media extravaganza, says David Nelson, will take place on Sat, Dec 8.
minicine? is looking for film and video works under 5 minutes…that's total running time with titles, credits, leaders all included... No exceptions!!!!!
Any format is considered. There is no submission fee. Please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope if you would like materials returned.
Deadline for submissions is Tues, Nov 20.
Films can be mailed to:
846 Texas Avenue
Shreveport, LA 71101
or email for rendezvous arrangement (flash drives accepted)…
Visual, multi-media, performance, artists of all types, contact AJ Haynes...
Monday, November 05, 2012
Ride your pony with Rachul McClintic and 20 top regional artists at the Bona Fide 2 exhibit, Artspace Shreveport; party on Texas St Thurs, 5:30to 8 pm
Dripping-fresh and irreverent paintings from artists such as Rachul McClintic and Jeormie Journell will buzz the party Thurs night at Artspace Shreveport.
The Bona Fide 2 exhibit will also feature Best of Show prizes in 3 disciplines.
See for a list of artists and the jurors.
The 2012 City of Shreveport Artist Fellowship awards will also be presented.
Artisanal appetizers and a salty cash bar.
Sunday, November 04, 2012
West African tale from the novel Roots in paper animation: The Boy and the Crocodile by Robert Trudeau; music by Tracy Chappell and Ron Hardy
The Crocodile team: soundtrack, Tracy Chappell, percussion, Ron Hardy, the crocodile, Stanley Robinson, the boy, Poetic X, the dog, Tarama Davenport, the cat, Dazaria Hamilton and the rabbit, Ron Hardy.
Sketches, script and animation, Robert Trudeau.
Friday, November 02, 2012
Caddo Magnet HS students introduced to classroom extension called Coates Bluff Trail, Shreveport
While trekking Coates Bluff Trail will be enhanced by the advent of colder weather, a visit to the East Shreveport site should be embarked upon as soon as you are able.
The trail is marvelously appealing. It is serene, romantic and well-maintained. The sounds are ethereal.
Admittedly it's a bit buggy at midday on warmer days.
Caddo Magnet HS geography students returned with their first sycamore and cottonwood leaves and pasted them into notebooks. They also began a descriptive essay on the gorgeous woods.
Teachers at Magnet take students to the trail for art projects, photography, poetry and also for studies of flora, fauna and terrain.
Soon members of A Better Shreveport will be expanding the trail. An extension called Coates Bluff LInk is being roughed out on the other bank of the Bayou Pierre slough. It will be wide enough to accomodate bicycles as well as pedestrians.
Louisiana's Poet, Julie Kane, and writing upon Monica Zeringue's "Matador" at Meadows Museum, Sun, Nov 4, 2 pm
Poetry reading at Meadows Museum on Sun, Nov 4, 2 pm, says Ashley Havird. Listen to and chat with Julie Kane, Louisiana's laureate poet.
In writings on the 30-foot Monica Zeringue mixed media piece, "Matador," there was a contest. First in the judging was Kathryn Usher's poem. She will will read it Sun. Herewith:
Strong necks will be necessary
that is this training
slice the trees carry the trunks
so tall you can’t tell the species
know that they are pine
under them sleep singing men who will trouble your dreams years later
with a shake of their lion mane hairs
right now you’re fresh in cotton panties and a little tank (socks to keep your feet clean)
when you do peel stretch marks and toe rings will fall out
the permission is this is still a good body
little fingers make horns to wiggle away blood demons
who have yet to find their way into this woods
no one knows where all the bread crumbs are you cannot count them
the color stays on the inside only to fall out the summer between
the fourth and the fifth grade when your trunk is packed for camp
you remove half your clothes to make room for a cardboard box
sanitary protection white as soap
warmth at the top of your thighs you can feel the liquid squirt out
ice water cubes take the stain (add another chore to the list)
that’s what you learn when your partner picks your feet up in the air
(this was not a dance) you were holding tight to the earth with iron claws
no way in hell were you going to be flung out from the trees
it is heaven here
late at night you can hear the hoot owls
the mystery is one lion haired man waited years to hold your soft belly next to him
take his strong fingers and pluck pluck pluck
your plushness like strings on a bottom heavy upright bass
it is a conversation with two lesbians (you remember them ---
they were at camp? we are all older now)
their eyes twinkle when they tell you how nice it is to fall back into a pool of female flesh
tree trunks crumble
mushrooms grow on stumps
eventually everything turns into a flower
Kathryn Usher
October 14, 2012
Meanwhile, Back at Cafe Du Monde by Peggy Sweeney McDonald features Shreveporters' stories; local book launch at Giuseppi's Wed, Nov 14,6:30 pm
From Pelican Publishing comes a collection of Louisiana/Shreveport food stories: Meanwhile, Back at Café Du Monde…Life Stories about Food, created and edited by Peggy Sweeney-McDonald.
The collection is a humorous and heartfelt compilation of food essays accompanied by recipes and photographs, says Jill Browning.
Shreveporters telling tales therein:
* Representative Henry Burns * Tom Pace * Carolyn Roy * Debbie Allen * Sandy Davis * Marlyn Monette.
Plus other Louisiana personalities, including:
* General Russel Honoré, retired U.S Army Lieutenant General, Writer, and Speaker
* Drew Ramsey, Owner of Hubig’s Pies
* Leah Chase, Legendary Creole Chef and Owner of Dooky Chase restaurant
* Jeff Kleinpeter, President of Kleinpeter Farms Dairy.
Shreveport events include:
November 14th – Signing at King Hardware & Gifts (4:00 – 6:00PM)
November 14th – Book launch party at Ristorante Giuseppe (6:30 – 8:30PM)
November 15th – Signing at Barnes & Noble, Bayou Walk, (6:00 – 8:00PM)
Thursday, November 01, 2012
Gauthier, Slocum and Chavis in Next Fall at Marjorie Lyons Playhouse; opens Thurs, Nov 8, 8 pm, runs one weekend
Next Fall is about two gay men in a committed relationship with a twist, says Wikipedia. One, Luke, is devoutly religious; the other, Adam, is an atheist.
The Centenary student cast includes Nathan Gauthier, Jonathan Slocum, Victoria Chavis, Daniel Proveaux, Chelsea Hockaday and Robbie Oliva. Director is Barry James Acosta.
Opens Nov 8. Runs one weekend only. Performances Nov 8, 9 and 10 at 8:00pm and on Sun, Nov 11 at 2 pm.
$15, adults, $12, seniors and military. $10, students.
Tickets @ or 869-5242.