Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Where Things Come Back: award-winning author Corey Whaley chats at Hamilton South Caddo Branch Shreve Memorial Library Th, 4 pm

"Having enjoyed the book Where Things Come Back and having enjoyed hanging with Corey, I am delighted to interview him at the Hamilton South Caddo Library," says Robert Trudeau.

"My goal is to ask Corey questions that will lead to deepening everyone's appreciation of his writing."

Shreve Memorial Lib Hamilton S Caddo
2111 Bert Kouns Indus Loop
Spt 71118

Art in Transportation Symposium begins Tues-Wed-Th sessions at Artspace; SRAC invites artists to walk in

"Transportation in Art is a difficult sell," says Vickie Marshall of SRAC about the conference that opened today. "Because we don't think of cars, trucks, buses, bike and pedestrians as part of the art world."

But artists should get over the word "transportation" and check out this conference. You can still register! See http://shrevearts.org/arts-culture/public-art-2/

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sustainability Learning Community at Centenary College with profs Jeanne Hamming and Troy Messina; on-air chat on KSCL, 91.3 fm, Mon, Jan30, 5 pm

Jeanne Hamming by trudeau
Jeanne Hamming, a photo by trudeau on Flickr.

"GreenHouse, Centenary's Sustainability Living Learning Community, allows students who share an interest in environmental and sustainability issues to live and study together in a designated residence hall. Students who participate in the GreenHouse will enjoy access to team-taught learning-labs, special events and programs, service-learning and internship opportunities, and close contact with faculty outside of the classroom," says the college web site.

Dr Hamming and Dr Messina are the faculty moderators for the program.

Stream at KSCL.FM
Questions: 869 5297

And you are encouraged to attend the A Better Shreveport meeting, 6 to 7 pm, in the Wright Bldg, Centenary.

Party at Barnwell with the Shreveport Second Line trio for the opening of Mardi Gras . . . Do It North Louisiana Style, Sun, Jan 29, 2 to 4:30 pm

Shreveport Second Line by trudeau
Shreveport Second Line, a photo by trudeau on Flickr.

The opening reception for the Barnwell Center's exhibit, Mardi Gras....Do It North Louisiana Style, features the New Orleans-style brass band music of the Shreveport Second Line trio.

Sunday, January 29, 2012, 2pm to 4:30pm.
Free and open to all.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Leia Lewis, Mary Grace De Joya Vea, Isabelle De Joya Vea, Loren Demerath and Robert Trudeau: TEDx RedRiver event Tues, Jan 31, 6:30 - 8pm, CoHabitat Shreveport

"Ideas Worth Spreading is what TEDx is about," says John Grindley.

TEDxRedRiver: Community Building
Tues, Jan 31, 2012 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. (presentation starts at 6:30 p.m.)
@ Cohabitat (610 Commerce Street Downtown)

The speakers and their presentations:

Leia Lewis Henderson, Founding Director of Sankofa Vision, Inc., will present “Sankofa is a Verb.” Henderson’s work with Sankofa’s community garden annually attracts hundreds of diverse people from north Louisiana and beyond. The organic community garden yields 100 bushels of nutritious vegetables shared among garden volunteers, low-income families, and the elderly.

Robert Trudeau, multi-media artist, blogger, teacher, music maven and author of How To Mardi Gras will present “Currying an Alternative Carnival: the Story of Blanc et Noir Marching Society” detailing his work with Shreveport-Bossier’s exceedingly diverse group, representing several of Shreveport's communities in Mardi Gras celebrations such as the Highland Parade.

Dr. Loren Demerath, sociologist at Centenary College of Louisiana is the author of the forthcoming book Explaining Culture which explores how our desire for subjective order produces culture as we collaboratively express ourselves and our realities through stories, symbols and rituals. Demarath’s talk “The Importance of Self-Expression and Interaction for Growth and Energy: A Theory and Case Study of a Community Organization" applies his theories to an analysis of the citizens organization he founded "ABetterShreveport.org.”

Dr Mary Grace De Joya Vea, cardiologist, is one of the founders of the Aseana Foundation of Shreveport. Among their works is the creation of the Asian Gardens park and annual Aseana Spring Festival.

Isabelle De Joya Vea is a Caddo Magnet High School student who has helped accelerate the activities of the Asian Studies Assoc at Magnet High.

Your RSVP at TEDx January would be a terrific addition to the prep.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

View the 15-minute Academy Award-nominated The Fantastic Flying Booksof Mr. Morris Lessmore, created by Moonbot Studios, Shreveport

The 15-minute Academy Award-nominated The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore, created by Moonbot Studios, Shreveport, is an absorbing short, one that bears repeated viewings.

Top students perform with professionals at Caddo Magnet HS OrchestraConcerto Concert , Th, Jan 26, 6:30 pm, Magnet PAC, Shreveport

Top students will perform with professionals at the Caddo Magnet HS Orchestra Concerto Concert , Th, Jan 26, 6:30 pm, Magnet PAC, says Elaine Webb.

It is free and open to the public. See details and more photos at Susan Roger's blog, Shreveport Musicians Forever.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

"HIV is Not a Crime"- Town Hall Meeting presented by the Philadelphia Center

"HIV is Not a Crime" is a film by Sean Strub, featuring Louisiana
native Robert Suttle. The town hall is an opportunity to view the
documentary project and to learn more about HIV criminalization in

Panel members will be present to facilitate the discussion by community members regarding HIV criminalization in Louisiana - and issues related to it.

Regional representatives will be on hand - as well as advocates and others who are interested in learning more about HIV criminalization in our state and nation...

All are welcome to attend.

Refreshments and informational materials will also be available to all guests.

Monday, 6 February 2012- 6pm
The Betty and Leonard Phillips Deaf Action Center
601 Jordan St.
Shreveport, LA. 71101

For more information please contact
Deborah Allen- 318-219-6099

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Nominated for an Academy Award in Animated Short: The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore / Moonbot Studios, Shreveport

The 84th Academy Awards announces the nominees in Short Film (Animated) -

- Dimanche/Sunday/ Patrick Doyon

- The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore / William Joyce and Brandon Oldenburg

- La Luna / Enrico Casarosa

- A Morning Stroll / Grant Orchard and Sue Goffe

- Wild Life / Amanda Forbis and Wendy Tilby

Louisiana Film Prize: a hybrid, high-stakes contestible which will be thrown down on Th, Jan 26, 6 pm, at RFC Shreveport

La Film Prize by trudeau
La Film Prize, a photo by trudeau on Flickr.

The Louisiana Film Prize is going to be the special guest at the Jan. Last Martini event at the Robinson Film Center, says Gregory Kallenberg.

The LAFP is a contest and festival that invites filmmakers from all over the world to create and present a short film.

However, there is one rule that everyone must follow. Check it out Thurs at RFC.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sonic shoom: Simon Whetham, James Eck Rippie and Peter Fettermanperform avant garde music at The Shop, 2002 Southern Ave, on Wed, Jan25, 7 to 10 pm

Simon Whetham by Marek Chołoniewski
Simon Whetham, a photo by Marek Chołoniewski on Flickr.

Sound Explorations by Simon Whetham, James Eck Rippie, and Peter Fetterman, says minicine, will be presented 7 to 10 pm
at The Shop! , 2002 Southern Avenue, on Wed, Jan 25.

minicine? welcomes back to Shreveport, sound artist Simon Whetham, who recently performed at the MSPS New Music Festival 2011. Whetham (Bristol, UK), is in the country collecting field recordings as part of his ongoing active crossover project http://www.activecrossover.co.uk/ .

James Eck Rippie (New Orleans) works primarily with turntables, with a focus on creating abstract sound from classical music recordings utilizing altered needles, turntable feedback, effect pedals, damaged records, etc. In decomposing the original sound source.

Peter Fetterman (Shreveport), elusive and secretive, will meditate on the meaning of life through sound waves.

Cole Brand on TEDx Red River and April Dahm on Texas Ave CommunityAssoc on KSCL at 5 pm, Mon, Jan 23

Cole Brand will update listeners on the region's first evening of TEDx (technology/entertainment/design/independent) talks. TEDx RedRiver will be presented on Tues, Jan 31, 6 to 8 pm at CoHabitat, 610 Commerce St.

April Dahm will talk about Texas Ave Comm Assoc upcoming events, including the day honoring Cora M Allen, builder of the Calanthean Temple.

The program, 5 pm on Mondays, is Time for A Better Shreveport. Hosts will be Robert Trudeau and Carolyn Manning.

Stream the program at KSCL.fm.
Questions, comments: 869 5297

Friday, January 20, 2012

Contribute to autobiography by Bertha Renter Harris, Shreveport, by making pledge at Kickstarter.com

"I am a 72 year-old folk artist and recently completed the first revised draft of my autobiography," says Bertha R Harris at Kickstarter.com.

"I did not seriously undertake art until after I turned 65. The public reception to my art has been both gratifying and inspirational. However I feel I still have a great deal to offer not just in art but the story of my life.

In our small section of the agricultural south where I was raised, conditions had not changed much since the end of the Civil War. Tenant farmers and black farm families were practically owned by the family plantations where they worked. Escape from this bonded servitude was exactly that. Many families were always in debt to the plantation store or the owner.

My family was unique in that my grandparents family owned their own land, BUT, it did not make us exempt from conditions of those around us.

My struggles to advance in a world over which I felt I had little control were against forces of bigotry, sexual discrimination and harassment.

Not only have I survived, I have blossomed as an artist with an understanding of my responsibility to help others who continue in bondage.

In the fall of 2011 I received my first true recognition on a broader stage for my artwork. I received one of the major awards at the Red River Revel and sold my first large painting."

With Kickstarter contributions Harris will edit and publish her autobiogaphy. See more here.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Pianist Norman Krieger performs Brahms with Shreveport Symphony Orchestra at Riverview Theater, Shreveport, on Sat, Jan 21, 7:30 pm

"Don't miss an evening of powerful, spirited music by Johannes Brahms this Saturday night, featuring the renowned pianist Norman Krieger," says Lois Robinson.

"Get tickets to all 3 of our Piano Celebration concerts (January, February & March) and get 25% off regular prices!"

The Beauty of Brahms concert
Sat, Jan 21 - 7:30 PM
Riverview Theatre
Michael Butterman, music director

Free shuttle service begins one hour before the performance at Regions Bank parking garage at the corner of Milam & Market Streets.

Tickets start at $17 - Purchase tickets online until midnight tonight or call 318-227-TUNE (8863).

Tickets available by phone:
*9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Friday
*9:30 a.m. to concert time on Saturday
Box office hours:
*9 a.m.-5 p.m. on Friday at the SSO office*Noon to concert time on Saturday at the Riverview Theatre Box office

Boot yourself into 3D animation via Moonbot Studio's Jamil Lahhan; intro Sat, Jan 28, 10 am to noon at LSUS

A quick overview and demonstration of the principles of animation using Autodesk Maya taught by Jamil Lahhan. He is a graduate of Ringling College of Art & Design and an animator at Moonbot Studios.

LSUS Continuing Educ 12SCMPAVE058
January 28, Sat : 10:00 AM - Noon
Technology Center 225A

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Spontaneous emissions: Pat Sewell opens exhibit at Artspace on Thurs, Jan 19, 5 to 8 pm

Pat Sewell calls his art "Spontaneous emissions." He opens a one-man show at Artspace on Thurs, Jan 19, 5 to 8 pm.

"My paintings largely happen: their underpinnings unannounced until their emergence, but sufficiently potent once at play in design that they leave me a sense that I am not in charge so much as along for the ride," says Sewell.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Lafayette hosts Cinema on the Bayou Film Festival Jan 25 - 29, Pat Mire and Rebecca Hudsmith invite Shreveport to party with them on theVermilion

"Can't make it to Sundance? Then come on down to Cinema on the Bayou Film Festival, Jan. 25-29, 2012, in Lafayette, LA," says former Shreveporter Rebecca Hudsmith.

"Lafayette's the epicentre of Cajun and Creole cultures, for great films, cool filmmakers, and lots of fun. Oh, and did we mention the after-parties serving up good conversation and the best boudin, wine and king cake around?"

Check out the schedule at cinemaonthebayou.com.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Eco Mulch and Hughes Recycling owners, Hal Struckman and Michael Hughes, chat at KSCL fm, 91.3, at 5 pm Mon, Jan 16

Green issues and solutions facing Shreveport will be discussed on-air at KSCL on Mon at 5 pm, says Robert Trudeau.

Hal Struckman and Michael Hughes will discuss their recycling companies on the weekly program Time for A Better Shreveport.

Hosts are Trudeau, Loren Demerath and Carolyn Manning.

Stream at http://kscl.fm.
869 5297 gets the audio booth at kscl.

More at http://abettershreveport.blogspot.com/

New and classic tunes from piano-pounder par excellence David Egan at Celebrity Lounge, El Dorado Casino, on Tues - Wed, Jan 17 - 18, 8 to 12pm

David Egan, Shreveport-raised singer-songwriter with a working Masters in bluesology, will visit the Celebrity Lounge this week.

He's part of the Songwriter Circle on Tues, 8-12, and performs solo on Wed, 8-12, says Egan. He promises new songs to top off his catalog of songs from the albums Twenty years of Trouble and You Don't Know Your Mind.

Both albums are highly recommended. As is the Celebrity Lounge at Eldorado Casino. Local musicians play in a deluxe setting and listeners lounge in free comfort at the Celeb Lounge.

Photo Barbara Beaird.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Baroque Artists of Shreveport, under direction of violinist Daniel Santelices, continue season with performance at St Mark's Cathedral; concerts ahead on March 11, May 6

Young country, old country: the Steel Wheels at Fairfield Studios, Sun, Jan 15, 7 pm

IMG_2861 by blueathena7
IMG_2861, a photo by blueathena7 on Flickr.

"If one must compare The Steel Wheels to another act in order to get an idea of their music, imagine a blend of the passion of The Avett Brothers, the instrumentals of the Old Crow Medicine Show, and then sprinkle in the backwoods feel of The Legendary Shack Shakers. In truth, attempting to compare them to anyone is an injustice."—John Walker, Americana Roots

thesteelwheels.com For more information about the Shreveport House Concerts Series, go to www.shreveporthouseconcerts.org

Sun, Jan 15, 7 PM, Fairfield Studios, 1510 Fairfield Avenue. $20 admission.
318 219 7688.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Party in a Super Water Sympathy video shoot by Mindy Bledsoe on Tues,Jan 17, Riverside Warehouse, 5 - 10 pm

Super Water Sympathy by Warped Tour
Super Water Sympathy, a photo by Warped Tour on Flickr.

"Come to the Warehouse, downtown Shreveport, Tuesday the 17th @ 5pm to be part of the Super Water Sympathy shoot. Bring your friends. The more the better! Be ready to hang out and have fun just like any bar night!" writes filmmaker Rob Senska.

"Mindy Bledsoe is directing the video, which is more of a short film. She is a
fan of music videos that tell a story. I will be behind the camera for her. The section of the video Tuesday night will account for about 25% of the entire project and mainly consist of live performance. We estimate it lasting from about 5pm to 10pm," adds Senska.

Photo above from 2012 Vans Warped Tour.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Robin Beach Black and the Bluebirds at Lake St Dance Hall, Shreveport, on Sat, Jan 14, 8 pm

At the corner of Lake St and Marshall St the Lake St Dance Hall awaits dancers and listeners alike.

Robin & the Bluebirds entertain on Sat, Jan 14, at 8:00 pm and will pretty much guarantee that you will get off your stool to shake your tail feather, says Bruce Flett.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Banned in America: location moved to Philadelphia Center

In honor of the First Amendment, the ACLU of Louisiana will host Shreveport's 2nd public celebration of freedom of expression on Sunday January 22, 2012, from 5:00-8:00 pm. 

The "Banned in America" celebration will be held at  
The Philadelphia Center
2020 Centenary Blvd.
Shreveport, LA 

The event, free and open to the public, will feature readings, songs, poetry and displays of works that have been banned or challenged around the United States, as well as messages from community members and those dedicated to the freedom of speech and expression. 

Banned Books Week has been observed annually during the last week of September since 1982. The ACLU of Louisiana has sponsored a celebration of the freedom to read in New Orleans for over a decade. This is the first such event in Louisiana held outside of New Orleans, and is made possible by the generous support of the Beaird Family Foundation.

Official Website.

Sunday, January 22- 5pm
Call 3183475421 for more information

Baroque Artists of Shreveport perform at St Mark's Episcopal Cathedral, Shreveport, on Sun, Jan 15, 3 pm

Baroque Artists of Shreveport by trudeau
Baroque Artists of Shreveport, a photo by trudeau on Flickr.

Concertos from Bach, Buxtehude, Handel, Telemann and Vivaldi will be performed by the Baroque Artists of Shreveport on Sun, Jan 15, 3 pm. This concert features 11 professional musicians, says Ruth Drummond.

Horace English, bass-baritone, Sally Horak, flute, Theresa Zale Bridges, oboe, Douglas Bakenhus, bassoon, Laura Crawford, violin, Dan Santelices, violin, Elizabeth Grondin, violin, Ruth Drummond, cello and Gay Grosz and Cathy DeRousse, harpsichord-continuo.

Baroque Artists 2012 season concerts:
March 11 and May 6.

Free and open to the public.

Monday, January 09, 2012

Watch this young photog: Casey Jones exhibit at Bossier Arts Council's East Bank Gallery through January

Casey Jones caught my eye several years ago on flickr by popping out vivid, rock-solid snaps pf performers at the Riverside Warehouse and at festivals. Jones has taken among the best shots of the sextet Dirtfoot, for example.

But his trajectory was to reach well beyond effective concert shots. Today he is steadily finding ways to tell stories via fresh placement of models and settings.

He's got a solo show at East Bank Gallery. His web site has vibe. Check out this downtowner's energy and growing imagination at East Bank Gallery Tues - Fri til 6 pm.

Sunday, January 08, 2012

"Shreveport's Got A Hold On Me": Chris Brown's compilation of historic music to be aired on Mon, Jan 9, 5 pm, and Tues, Jan 10, 8 pm

Historian Chris Brown has completed his seventh collection of recordings associated with Shrevetown. This edition is called "Shreveport's Got A Hold On Me."

"You’ll hear songs by Shreveporters, songs about Shreveport, songs recorded in Shreveport, and songs released on Shreveport record labels. Featured artists include Clarence Williams' Blue Five, Paul Howard And His Arkansas Cotton Pickers, Tommy Cassel, Floyd Cramer, The Sensational Jones Singers Of Shrev. La., The Family Tree, Tommie Young, and more," writes Brown at his musical history blog, Shreveport Songs.

He'll discuss his work and play samples Mon at 5 pm, on Time for A Better Shreveport, KSCL, 91.3 fm. His seventh annual all-Shreveport radio show on his own weekly show, Romp and Stomp, is scheduled for Tues from 8-9pm.

Stream at Kscl.fm.

Also on Time for A Better Shreveport on Mon: musician-producer Dan Garner.

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Pou, Wasson, Gilcrease, Van Eaton shine in Oliver! See it at RiverviewTheater on Sat, Jan 7, 7 pm and Sun, Jan 8, 2 pm

"John Peyton Pou's peformance as the Artful Dodger is worth the price of admission. He is gifted," wrote actress and drama teacher Patti Reeves at intermission on opening night for Academy of Children's Theater's production of Oliver!

Reeves continued, in remarks posted on Facebook: "Nate Watson (Fagin) was super, as was Maddison Gilcrease (Nancy). The little boy who played Oliver, Trevor Van Eaton, has a beautiful voice. But John Peyton was magic."

Tickets $20 and $15.
ACT tickets: 747 8310 or at the door.

Snaps from the show on Sat night.

Friday, January 06, 2012

Feral Hogs, coyotes, bobcats, foxes and beavers: the Red River National Wildlife Refuge, Bossier City / Opening of center on Wed, Jan 11, and Sat, Jan 14

Feral Hog by rmaum
Feral Hog, a photo by rmaum on Flickr.

Red River National Wildlife Refuge & the Friends of RRNWR will present a ribbon-cutting event for the new $3.8M Visitor & Education Center on Wed, Jan. 11, at 1:15 p.m, says Nancy Menasco.

The new facility will enhance awareness and connection to wildlife and wild places and that will provide an economic boost to the area.

"An additional Open House will be held from 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 14 to allow more members of the public to attend. Refreshments at both events," says Menasco.

Exhibit Gallery, cart tours of the Refuge, speaker Wildwood Dean (10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m), bird walk (8:30 a.m.), art exhibit, children’s activities, exhibits and Nature Store available on Saturday.

The Headquarters Unit is located at the west end of Sunflower Road, just outside
the city limits of Bossier City. From the intersection of US 71 (Barksdale Boulevard) and Jimmie Davis Highway (LA 511) in Bossier City, go south about one-half mile on US 71. Turn right (west) on Sunflower Road and proceed to the refuge entrance at the end of the road. Drive through the gate and follow the main gravel road about one mile, bearing left at the fork in the road.

Lynn Stewart, vice president, Friends of RRNWR, 318-518-7295 (cell)
Nancy Menasco, president, Friends of RRNWR, 318-868-3255
Pat Stinson, manager, RRNWR, 318-742-1219

Photograph by Ronnie Maum.

Super Water Sympathy: how the Shreveport band scored a spot on French /international radio station PATjE.FM

Super Water Sympathy   by trudeau
Super Water Sympathy , a photo by trudeau on Flickr.

At the music industry blog sonicbids.com, author Nick Mendez interviewed PATjE.FM’s Patrice Jauffret about the appeal of Super Water Sympathy. His post:

PATjE.FM is an online streaming radio station that pumps out the finest independent artists from around the world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We decided to check in with PATjE.FM’s head honcho Patrice Jauffret on the eve of their one year anniversary, to get an idea of just what it takes to generate international radio appeal.

One band immediately jumped to his mind: Shreveport, LA’s own Super Water Symphony. Their flavor of alternative synth-pop hummed just the right key on their track “Abzu”, which Patrice quickly selected for airplay.

What made Super Water Sympathy stand out to you when you were making your selections?

First it was the music. We really liked their song “Abzu”. It was unanimous. Then we checked the song’s live version on YouTube and we found an angle showing the band from the back of the room with the audience. Super Water Sympathy’s lead vocalist sounded as good as on the recorded version. She has powerful vocals and the band energy looked great. Finally their band photo was fun and website easy to use.

How does promoting a new band differ between Europe and the United States?

It’s really the same. It comes down to the music, how the band sounds. Nowadays live performances are equally important for bands to create the buzz.

Louisiana's Carnival season begins with Twelfth Night! Blanc et Noir Marching Society has Twelfth Night Brunch on Sun, Jan 8, 1 pm, Brothers Seafood, Shreveport

"Pity those places where on January 6, it is more important to be clean than to be Queen. In New Orleans we know better," writes Erroll Laborde about the opening of Carnival season in the Crescent City.

Jan 6 is the first official day for king cakes and the dances and tavern sessions of the season. The end of the season, Fat Tuesday, is Feb 21, 2012. In Shreveport we mark the crest of Carnival by the Krewe of Highland Parade, which is Sun, Feb 19, 1 pm.

Blanc et Noir Marching Society is one of many krewes across the state gathering on or around 12th Night, aka the Feast of the Epiphany, to party.

All are welcome on Sun, Jan 8, 1 pm, at Brother's Seafood on 4916 Monkhouse, (318) 635-1641. It's a Dutch treat for meet and greet.

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Keeping the blues alive: Shreveport's 13-year old singer-guitarist Matthew Davidson winner of Robert Johnson Foundation Award

Matthew Davidson, Shreveport by trudeau
Matthew Davidson, Shreveport, a photo by trudeau on Flickr.

Singer-guitarist Matthew Davidson, age 13, is the winner of the 2011 Robert Johnson New Generation Award, says Ella Davidson.

"It's an award given out annually to guitarists 12 to 18 years old that helps young kids like myself keep interested in the blues and respect the blues," Davidson explained to the Shreveport Times.

Davidson seems to have a genuine interest in the traditional art form of electric blues. In videos at matthewdavidson.net the viewer will see a teen who revels in the freedom and people-touching licks inherent in the blues.

In his very active band are 15-year-old drummer Kyle McClanahan, 15-year-old Gregory Walton on keyboard and Chris Campisi on bass.

Davidson was 12 at the time of the photo above.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Ansley Hughes and Super Water Sympathy added to Vans Warped Tour in July on strength of album Vesper Belle

Indie rock singer Ansley Hughes developed her voice on stage with Caddo Magnet High productions - including a much-much-discussed selection from 'Chicago' that you might ask her about - and with the Academy of Children's Theater. Today she is using her training in the indie rock band Super Water Sympathy.

SWS, based in Shreveport, has been named to the Vans Warped Tour to the delight of those who've been won as fans by listening to their debut album, Vesper Belle. Touring taverns in the Deep South has also built a fan base, says Ryan Robinson, as has the "You, Us, Hey" video.

He adds, "Ok well, since everyone else is posting this...Huzzah! My band is playing Warped Tour! 16 Year Old Ryan would have surely burned down a schoolbus at this news, but older Ryan is going to Tacomania."

Hughes as a teen in ACT's Thoroughly Modern Millie.

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Xmas tree recycling in Shreveport-Bossier: Hal Struckman, Eco-Mulch and Sod, 6105 St Vincent Ave

Hal Struckman, Eco-Mulch, Shreveport  by trudeau
Hal Struckman, Eco-Mulch, Shreveport , a photo borrowed from FB by trudeau on Flickr.

"Yes, you can bring your tree to Eco-Mulch between 7 am and 5 pm, says Hal Struckman, owner of Eco-Mulch and Sod. It will probably be made into mulch or compost within a day, says Struckman.

Bring it to the 6105 St Vincent Ave location, where Eco-Mulch accepts tree debris, stumps, pallets and clean wood. And clean concrete.

Examining BODIES REVEALED, coming to Sci-Port: Louisiana's Science Center January 28

Premier Exhibition's BODIES REVEALED coming to Sci-Port by Karen E. Wissing
Premier Exhibition's BODIES REVEALED coming to Sci-Port, a photo by Premier Exhibitions on Flickr.
Prepare to see your insides later this month. BODIES REVEALED, an Exhibition featuring carefully preserved real anatomical specimens will be open at Sci-Port: Louisiana’s Science Center on January 28 through May 21 to the public.

“I think people need to be more in touch with the body they live in,” said Roy Glover, Ph.D., chief medical director of the Exhibition. “It’s very important to understand the things we do to it that can care for it or that can harm it. The exhibit puts people in close touch with actual bodies that will help them understand it a lot better.”

Visitors to the Exhibition learn the detailed structure and function of the human body through galleries providing an up-close look inside the skeletal, muscular, reproductive, respiratory, circulatory and other systems of the human body.

Using a revolutionary technique called polymer preservation, the human body specimens to be displayed have been permanently preserved using liquid silicone rubber that is treated and hardened. The end result is a rubberized specimen, preserved to the cellular level, showcasing the complexity of the body’s many bones, muscles, nerves, blood vessels and organs.

Sci-Port will get your blood pumping with daily programs and demonstrations to complement the Exhibition daily from 2 – 5 p.m. from January 28 through May 21.

Monday, January 02, 2012

Oliver! Academy of Children's Theater performances at Riverview TheaterJan 6 and 7, 7 pm, Jan 8, 2 pm; see cast here

The OLIVER! cast, says Cynthia Hawkins Whitaker, includes

Oliver Twist . . . . . . . . . . Trevor Van Eaton
Mr. Bumble . . . . . . . . . . Ric Humphries
Widow Corney . . . . . . . . Mary Humphries
Noah Claypole . . . . . . . . Jacob Cowley
Mr. Sowerberry . . . . . . . . Kolby Ledbetter
Mrs. Sowerberry . . . . . . . Courtney Van Eaton
Charlotte . . . . . . . . . . . . . Megan Tinsley
The Artful Dodger . . . . . . John Peyton Pou
Fagin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nate Wasson
Nancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Maddison Gilcrease
Charley Bates . . . . . . . . . Josh Myers
Bet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Madeline Wagnon
Mr. Brownlow . . . . . . . . . . Bryan Wooley
Dr. Grimwig . . . . . . . . . . . Josh Rabalais
Bill Sykes . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christian Dantes
Mrs. Bedwin . . . . . . . . . . . Meagan Tinsley
Old Sally . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kera Shaul
Annie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Karen Wright
Boy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brendan Anderson
Night Watchman . . . . . . . .Brett Stephenson
First Bow Street Runner . .Kolby Ledbetter

Fagin’s Boys . . . . . . . Josh Myers, Isaiah Jones,
Jacob Cowley, Brendan Anderson, Gavin Jones,
Brooke Reedy, Lucia Boyd, Holly Gant,
Bailey Fielder, Carrie Anderson, Kate Davis
Elizabeth Ross, Alexis Balbuena, Journee Bradford,
Emma Cate Dailey, and Rachel Van Doren,
Emily Martinson, Maddie Tinsley

Show times are
Friday Jan 6th at 7pm
Saturday Jan 7th at 7pm
Sunday Jan 8th at 2pm
Tickets $20 and $15.
ACT tickets: 747 8310

Sunday, January 01, 2012

On-air chat with Shreveport City Council rep for District G, Attorney Sam Jenkins, at 5 pm, Mon, Jan 2, on KSCL, 91.3 fm

Time for A Better Shreveport, the weekly radio show from the grass roots civic organization A Better Shreveport, takes a look at city issues with attorney Sam Jenkins on Mon, Jan 2, 5 pm.

Jenkins represents District G, West Shreveport, and will discuss the common ground between the priorities of East and West Shreveport.

Also in the Centenary College studio to talk about Shreveport history is cartographer-historian-author Gary Joiner.

Joiner is excited about software, Lidar, that is enabling digital explorers to comb the Louisiana terrain in more detailed way than ever. Joiner has a new CD being released to the public in which he tells the history of the city on the Red River.

Stream at kscl. fm.
Questions, remarks: 869 5297.

Hosts are Robert Trudeau, Carolyn Manning and Loren Demerath.

A Better Shreveport meets at 6 pm Mons in the Wright Bldg, Centenary College. Business is done by 7 pm.