An anonymous donor will donate $20.13 for every new membership at the $35 and up level that is made by midnight, January 1, 2013 via PayPal. Your benefit? Continued support and development of artists, arts organizations and arts events in Louisiana--the state with the richest culture in America!
Click the PayPal button on the right side of our website homepage--then share this post with all your friends who love Louisiana arts and culture!
Louisiana Citizens for the Arts
Monday, December 31, 2012
Louisiana Citizens for the Arts: lobbying to promote, secure and defend arts funding in the Bayou State
Friday, December 28, 2012
Sex and suspicion: the Keira Knightly version of Anna Karenina an opulent odyssey on a sumptuous stage
As an English major in college I intuited that Tolstoy's Anna Karenina was a book that I could skip with impunity.
With the arrival of the latest movie version - over the decades there have been 10 or more productions - I have caught up. Aha. And it was fairly easy. I recommend it.
Set on giant, detail-rich stages and in ice-encrusted trains and sun-kissed farms, director Joe Wright, he of Atonement, The Soloist and Pride & Prejudice (Keira Knightly version), seems to aim for clarity as well as theatricality.
All appears elegant, even the sex scenes between the magnetic Knightly and Count Vronsky, a golden cupcake of a prince.
But must not destruction smite people who live for passion? Ahem. I will not reveal.
I will recommend.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
CHeck out an investment in a Louisiana START 529 college savings account, says John Kennedy
With escalating costs of higher education on the long-term horizon, State Treasurer John Kennedy suggests that one of the best gifts to give a child this holiday season is an investment in a Louisiana START 529 college savings account.
"The holidays are the perfect time to give a child the meaningful gift of a Louisiana START account that will impact their education in the years to come while maximizing tax benefits for the contributor in the short term," says Treasurer Kennedy.
START accounts can be opened on behalf of a future student with an initial investment as little as $10. Invested funds grow over time with choices between fixed income and equity investment options that are managed by investment professionals at the Louisiana Department of the Treasury. There are currently over 44,000 Louisiana START accounts and $405 million in deposits.
When the time comes for the student to withdraw money for educational expenses, START funds and their earnings can be used at any accredited college or university for tuition, room and board, books, fees and more. There are no state or federal taxes on those disbursements.
When opening a START account on behalf of a child, the investor can exempt up to $2,400 in deposits per account per year from income reported on their state tax returns. Married couples filing jointly can deduct up to $4,800 in deposits. On top of that, the state pays a match on deposits ranging from 2 to 14 percent, depending on factors including the investor's income, which is effectively a guaranteed investment return.
"A START account is not only a generous and wise gift for a loved one, it also happens to be one of the best and last solid tax breaks available to families," says Treasurer Kennedy. "Today is the day to make opening a START account an important part of your Christmas shopping list."
For more information on Louisiana's START Savings program, contact the Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance (LOSFA) at 1-800-259-5626, ext. 1012 or visit
Friday, December 21, 2012
Requiescat in pace, Dr Arthur Fort, Shreveport, New Orleans; visitation and service at St Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church on Sat, Dec 22, 1 pm and 3 pm

Requiescat in pace, Dr Arthur Fort, Shreveport, New Orleans, Fair Hope, AL / Keith Smythe Meacham photo, a photo by trudeau on Flickr.
"Arthur Fort passed away last night after a long and heroic fight against cancer," wrote Bill Dodenhoff on Dec 20, 2012.
"He leaves behind a marvelous wife, Vesta DeYampert Fort, and three children."
"On 22 December, 2012, there will be a visitation at 1 pm and service at three pm at the St Charles Avenue Presbyterian church at 1545 State Street, New Orleans, LA 70118
(504) 897-0101.
Arthur's parents, Arthur T Fort and Jane Fort, reside in Shreveport.
A present of Shreveport Symphony Orchestra tickets constitute a considerable holiday treat
Give the gift of music this holiday season!
Shreveport Symphony gift certificates are available through Dec 25, says Lois Robinson.
Introduce your friends, family and associates to the symphony.
Get 25% off regular ticket prices with our 'Gold' or 'Silver' level gift certificates.
Buy online now (through Dec. 25) or call 318.227.TUNE (8863) until 5 PM on Dec. 21!
Monday, December 17, 2012
Shreveport and the Civil Rights movement: documentary "Beyond Galilee"airs at Robinson Film Center on Mon, Dec 17, 7:30 pm
Hear filmmakers Joey Kent and Tim DeWayne at a free screening of their doc, "Beyond Galilee," tonight, 12.17.12, 7:30 pm, at RFC.
Missy Wise, Jared Watson and John Goddard in Evita at Emmett Hook Center, downtown Shreveport, Jan 3 - Jan 13
Stage Center, the newest young troupe in Shreveport, performs Evita Jan 3 - 13 at First Methodist of Shreveport's beautiful new site, the Emmett Hook Center.
Starring Missy Wise, Jared Watson and John Goddard.
Musical Direction by Seth Taylor.
Choreography by Katie Dupont.
Direction by Tyler Krieg.
"Uh oh ho!" Super Water Sympathy rocks Chicky's Boom Boom Room on Sat, Dec 22; Jacob Davis opens
"Join us for the "Uh Oh Ho!" Christmas Party in Super Water Sympathy's hometown, Shreveport," says Ansley Hughes.
Saturday, December 22, 2012, 10:30PM -
Chicky's Boom Boom Room, 205 Texas Street, Shreveport, Louisiana, LA 71101
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Art for Xmas: sketchbooks, pens, paints, easels, lessons at CCHardmann's Art Supplies and Framing, 3309 Line Ave, Shreveport
Cynthia and Ralph Hardmann, downtown purveyors of art and framing for decades, are on Line Ave - in the former Earthereal Restaurant space - and continue to operate an art emporium with classic style and grace.
In addition to supplies one can find flyers for art teachers. This week we found info for -
- Lynn Simmons' Studio 901, at 901 Elmwood St. Lessons for al ages in painting and drawing. 318-317-9152.
PLein air painting workshop by Dave Ivey on Jan 18. Info at 318-560-8950.
CC Hardmann: 9 am to 5:30 pm, M - Fri.
Sat 9 am to noon. 318 221 5189.
Riverside Warehouse, Shreveport, ends the world with Robin and the Bluebirds and Buddy Flett on Fri, Dec 21, 8 pm
"This Friday," says Bruce Flett in his barker's voice: "The biggest show and dance in the ArkLaTex! And it's for a good cause, the Food Bank! And we'll be giving a Fender Squier guitar to someone who donates to the Food Bank of NW LA."
Buddy Flett will open the show at 8pm. More surprises in store, promises Flett.
Riverside Warehouse
630 Commerce St
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Text reservations for Little Mermaid (Jr) performances by Academy of Children's Theater at MLP on Dec 15, 16, 21, 22, 23
"We know its hectic this time of year! So to make it easier you can T e x t your Little Mermaid, Jr reservations to (817) 205-2900," says Lauren Ross.
"Just give your name, phone number, number of tickets and which performance! It's that easy! Come see this fun show! It's a feast for the eyes!"
Show dates are December 14,15,21,22 at 7 pm and December 16 and 23 at 2 pm at Marjorie Lyons Playhouse at Centenary College.
Ticket prices are $25 for adults, $20 for military and seniors, and $15 for students and children.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Interdisciplinary academic symposium on the undead: deadline Jan 13 in call for papers by Bossier Arts Council
"This symposium seeks to explore the philosophical underpinnings of stories and images of the undead, which parallel the social, cultural and political concerns of the postmodern era," says Kendra Thompson.
A Call for Papers is hereby issued in the First Annual Academic Symposium and Art Show, April 20, 2013, 1-4 pm, Bossier Arts Council.
"There are many avenues in which this topic can be explored; the ultimate goal is to bridge the gap between pop culture and serious academic research, so have fun with it, but also treat it as you would any other academic opportunity, says Thompson"
"This is an interdisciplinary academic symposium; all research is welcomed and will be considered by a carefully chosen jury made up of professionals from academia, film, theatre and the visual arts. Your proposals should be at least one full paragraph and submitted digitally no later than January 13, 2012."
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Piano pounder Chris McCaa, aka Prof Porkchop, at Two Johns on 12.12.12 and accompanying Victoria Williams at Fairfield Studios on Sun, Dec 17,7 pm, Shreveport / sold out
While his job at Two Johns Restaurant, Bossier City, on 12.12.12 is cosmically important, Chris McCaa is most happy about playing alongside songwriter Victoria Williams on Sun, Dec 17, at Fairfield Studios.
He says, "Everybody, and I mean every body, who thinks they're a rugged individualist - different and unique, possibly even weird - should come see the real thing: successful songwriter Victoria Williams."
Songs by Williams have been covered by Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder ("Crazy Mary"), Lou Reed ("Tarbelly and Featherfoot") and Lucinda Williams ("Main Road"). She has appeared on "The Tonight Show", "Conan O'Brien", "The David Letterman Show" and toured internationally. A Shreveport native who has resided for the last twenty years in Josua Tree, California, she returns to her hometown for her first concert here in ten years.
Sun, Dec 16, 7 pm.
House concert series, Fairfield Studios: sold out, says Jim Huckabay.
$20. Cash only.
318- 219-7688.
Academy of Childrens Theater: Little Mermaid (Jr) at MLP opens Dec 14, runs through Dec 23
The Little Mermaid, Jr, cast includes, says Lauren Ross: Trevor VanEaton, Carter Whitaker,
Caroline Laborde, Nia Savoy, Meagan Tinsley, Alex Wallace, Bailey Fielder and Madeline Wagnon,
Kaelon Gerard, Donovan Roe, Elizabeth Ross, Josh Smoak, Jacob Cowley, Kolby Ledbetter and Meagan Crews.
Show dates are December 14,15,21,22 at 7 pm and December 16 and 23 at 2 pm at Marjorie Lyons Playhouse at Centenary College.
Ticket prices are $25 for adults, $20 for military and seniors, and $15 for students and children.
Call 741-8310 or 869-5242 for tickets!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Guitar Center coming to Youree Drive, says Don Teach of Shreveport Music; what does an indie music store do to survive the competition wielded by a national chain?
"Yes, it's official that Guitar Center is opening on Youree in Feb. I have their sales flyers," says Don Teach of Shreveport Music.
"My prices are lower and my service is better. They will have a lot of advertising and make you think they are really doing something special. They are not."
"They approached me several months back to rent my building for the store. I thought long and hard but I just do not think they are going to last more than a couple of more years," says the long-time purveyor of instruments.
"Do a search on the internet for Guitar Center Financials. The financials are horrible and have been given a junk bond rating. With the overall music business going downhill over the past four years nationwide I just don't see it as a positive move."
"So yes, I am having the sale of sales trying to reduce inventory to move. When real estate people learned I was thinking of renting to GC, more offers came for my building and one was really too good to pass up."
"Buy cheap now. Am I closing? That is the number one question. I really do not have a plan to close. But then I do not have a place to move. Only time will tell what I will do with this business, so while I am in the mood to sell off inventory - make no mistake, this is the store to come to for a smoking hot deal. I have already sold off all but one piano and if someone wants a super nice Yamaha Studio piano for a low price then come on in."
Shreveport Little Theater: give the gift of live drama with season tickets to SLT
"Give the unexpected," says Robert Darrow. "For that person who loves the magic of theatre. Give the gift that fits everyone."
Gift certificates may be used for any of the productions in the illustration.
SLT box office: 424-4439
Monday, December 10, 2012
Original images and sonic schnitzel on Commerce St: the ShreveportCatalyst End of the World Party, CoHab, Dec 21
Expect to fill thy belly and head, too, on leafy, fresh sonica and pixellatious produce at the Shreveport Catalyst End of the World Party on Dec 21, says Cameron Goldsmith.
610 Commerce St.
Shreveport, Louisiana 71101
(318) 759-7997
Classical music lunch at First Pres on Tuesdays, Dec 11, 18,
Jennifer Carsillo Butterman says, "Please join us for a musical lunch!"
First Presbyterian
900 Jordan St
Sunday, December 09, 2012
Big voices, hot guitars: blues from Buddy Guy and Jonny Lang at the Riverdome, Horseshoe Casino, Bossier City, Sat, Feb 2
Buddy Guy and Jonny Lang will perform at the Riverdome, Horseshoe Casino, on Sat, Feb 2, says
Tickets are not cheap, but this show presents a gold-standard performer. Guy is a man who in his seventies continues to win rave reviews for showmanship and musicality.
Lang reps the young generation of bluesmen. Nor is he a slouch.
If you have not heard these guys strut their schtuff on stage, I would like to suggest that it is high time to do so.
Friday, December 07, 2012
Shreveport Songs: EDDIE AND SUGAR LOU’S HOTEL TYLER ORCHESTRA - K.W.K.H. Blues (Vocalion, 1930)
Announcing a new post over at the Shreveport Songs blog...
Beaming, dancing, sweet-voiced teens of Academy of Childrens Theater perform Little Mermaid (Jr) at Marjorie Lyons Playhouse Dec 14 - 23
Academy of Childrens Theater participants Willie Trey Jones and Dez Duron have been in the national spotlight recently. Which provides one of the many reasons to catch an ACT show: you know you're watching top teens on their way up the ladder.
Little Mermaid, Jr, is packed with teen, child and even adult talent.
Catch a show at MLP, Centenary College, between Dec 14 and 23.
741-8310 or 869-5242.
Tuesday, December 04, 2012
Santa accused of sexual harassment in East Bank Theater mature-theme comedy, "Eight Reindeer Monologues" on Th, Dec 20, Fri, Dec 21, 7 pm
"A dark, dark Christmas comedy" will be performed at East Bank Theater on Th, Dec 20 and Fri, Dec 21, 7 pm, says Leigh Anne Chambers.
One of Santa's eight tiny, cute reindeer accuses him of sexual harassment. It's called "Eight Reindeer Monologues" and is by Jeff Goode.
The $10 ticket price includes a complimentary alcoholic beverage and themed treats. 21 years or older.
Robin Jones, Bossier Arts Council: 318-741-8310
The new south: leap into a career in digital media without leaving Shreveport
The Digital Media Certificate Program is a one-year intensive program, says John Miralles.
It gives students training and rapid access to digital media careers.
Do not expect an easy year: it includes intensive classroom study, guided lab time and is project based.
Yet students leave the program with extensive training time in computer graphics applications and production and are prepared to enter the workforce with a quality portfolio.
Info meeting Tues, Dec 4, 6 -6:45 p.m.
Cohab, 610 Commerce Street, Downtown Shreveport.
Shreveport Little Theater Academy: Dark of the Moon on Dec 6, 7 and 8
Ambitious teens, top-tier program: drama plus
Sunday, December 02, 2012
Movies, bands, paintings at 846 Texas Ave on Sat, Dec 8, 7 to 11 pm: Xmas Under Da Ground at minicine?
"Moviemakers response has been through the roof at Xmas Under Da Ground," says David Nelson of mincine? at 846 Texas Ave. "So the event will take place in two adjacent buildings."
"Over 30 filmmakers responded to the call for short films; over 30 visual artists will exhibit in the gallery. Expect nine live music performances.
Reel One - In order of appearance: Run time… 54min 32sec.
Marion Marks, Alan Dyson & Debbie Engle, Raydra Hall & David Hylan, Rob Peterson, Chris Alexander, Kathryn Usher, East 20 Productions, Jason Pliler, Michael Neal Phillips, Savage Chuck Loridans, Krista McKinney, Bilal, Ian Quiet, Jacob Disedare
Reel Two: 41min. 25sec.
Michael Futreal, Thomas Little, Austin Meyers, Cazes Verbois, Chris Armand & Noah Scruggs, Robert Trudeau, Sara Hebert & Chris Jay, Calvin O’Neil Jr., Christopher Alan Weaver, Louisiana Jones, Chris Armand & Noah Scruggs, Dacoda Montana, Mindy Bledsoe
Film Gallery… Tho Tway, EL, Cathy Nance, Bryan Konefsky, Dorothy Kristin Hanna.
Visual Artists:
John Bentrup, Micah Harold, Ali Bahler, Robert Trudeau, Randall Ross, Raven Jones, Laura Robbins, Taffie Cragon Garsee, Ben Moss, Lynn Laird, Jeormie, Taryn Self, Jeremy Johnson, Nadine Charity, Alex Hester, Stavely Kuzmanov, Mindy Bledsoe, Robert Rodgers, Kevin Deloach, Conchita Iglesias McElwee, Elizabeth Holladay Jackson, Amy Treme, Nathan Treme, Raydra Hall, Pamela Raintree, Thomas Little, Peter Fetterman, Talbot Hopkins & more.
Relative Distribution of Activities Across Parallel Universes…
846- Twang Darkly…
846- Gout Break
852 - Street Rats String Band
846 & 852 ~ Films Reel One…
846- Chrissy Wise
846- Brittney Maddox
852- The Shape of Sounds
846 & 852 ~ Films Reel Two…
846- Blood Punch
846- Ian Quiet
846- Bears & Wolves
Catering will be provided by GoGreenly and minicine? pot-luck!
Art for Sale by Artists / Band Merch!
Cash bar. No cover. 7 pm to 11 pm.
Dropping the needle on new vinyl downtown: Day Old Blues Records opens Sat, Dec 8, at 609 Texas St, Shreveport, adjacent to Robinson Film Center
"New vinyl and upper crust used vinyl, rather than the standard fare you find at garage sales and Goodwill," is what James Gilcrease will offer at his new shop, Day Old Blues Records, at 609 Texas St.
Day Old Blues opens on Sat, Dec 8, noon to 7 pm.
Day Old is located a couple of doors down from Robinson Film Center. Gilcrease is in the front space of Shawn Stroope's Foxtrot Studios, a happening location for musicians and producers.
From Beatles and Dylan through the latest indie singers, Day Old will racking and stacking weekly shipments. And Gilcrease will email vinyl fans the list each week.
(318) 773-3168
Saturday, December 01, 2012
Postponed: Honeyboy Carencro on Dec 7, Fatty's, Downtown Shreveport
Honeyboy Carencro is a road-tested, coast-to-coast performer who long led the group Outlaw Nation. His trio did reggae. They did Neil Young-like originals. They did powerpunkpop.
Excellent music. Dance-your-head-off shows.
Re-inventing himself as Honeyboy is a marvelous move. Fits like a glove; like a suit and fedora.
Check out his soul crooning.
He says he will re-schedule at fatty's and seems to be settling on performing as a solo act.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Art for sale at First Pres, 900 Jordan St, Shreveport, on Tues, Dec 4 and Wed, Dec 5
Art show, refreshments and the rich tradition of music at First Presbyterian Shreveport.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Requiescat in pace, keyboardist Donald Lynch Smith of St Mark's Episcopal and the Baroque Artists of Shreveport
"With sadness, I share news of the death of Don Smith on Thursday, November 22, which is the feast day of St. Cecilia, the patron saint of musicians," writes Daniel Santilices.
"Don was a harpsichord-continuo performer with Baroque Artists of Shreveport for many years. As BAS principal violinist Laura Crawford has eloquently stated, 'We love him and spent some of our happiest hours in life playing beautiful music with him....a most charming, noble, outstanding musician and friend.'"
He recently completed 28 years of service at St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral as Organist and Choirmaster. He worked with the church choirs, boys choir and hand bells and was the Director of chapel music and choir in the Day School until assuming the role of organist and choirmaster in the fall of 1987.
A memorial service will take place Saturday, December 8, 2012, at 2:00 at St. Mark's Cathedral.
"Before he passed away, Don requested that the Baroque Artists of Shreveport perform for his memorial service and we are planning to fulfill his wishes.," adds Santilices.
A friend in town for the holidays: massage therapy by New Orleanian Destiny Toro in Shreveport, Dec 17 - 22
Destiny Toro at Refuge Meditation Group, 622 Jordan St.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Wideman International Piano Competition at Anderson Auditorium, Hurley Music Bldg, Centenary College, Shreveport, Nov 30 - Dec 2
It is an annual moment in the global limelight for Shreveport. The world's best young pianists, their hosts and regional aficionados arrive at Anderson Auditorium, Centenary College, for the Wideman International Piano Competition.
Forty-six contestants from sixteen countries will compete for the gold, silver, bronze, and honorable mention titles, says Lester Senter Wilson.
This year free performances will take place Nov 30-Dec 1.
- Fri, Nov 30, 10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. and 2:30-6:30 p.m.
- Saturday, Dec 1, 9:30 am-1:00 p.m. and 2:30-6:00 p.m.
- Finals: Sun, Dec 2, beginning at 1:00 p.m. Admission for the final competition is $5. or
318.869.5235 or 601.366.4843.
Buddy Flett at Bears on Fairfield, Shreveport, on Wed, Nov 28, 6 to 9 pm
Listen to Buddy Flett at Bears on Fairfield 6-9 pm, Wed, 11.28.12, says Bruce Flett.
Buddy's "Third House on the Left," performed live by Kenny Wayne Shepherd featuring Buddy Flett, is on a brand new
CD. Hear it on “Songs After Sandy: Friends of Red Hook for Sandy Relief,” featuring Ringo Starr and others, says Flett.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Gallery talk on the book, Clementine Hunter, Her Life and Art, LSU Press, at Meadows Museum on Sun, Dec 2, 2 pm, at Meadows Museum, Shreveport
Author Tom Whitehead will speak from 2 to 3 pm on Sun, Dec 2, about his book, Clementine Hunter, Her Life and Art, says Diane DuFilho.
Timothy Jones, Shreveport native now internationally acclaimed singer, plus Children's Chorus and Louisiana Dance Theater promise full houses for Holiday Pops concerts by the Shreveport Symphony Orchestra on Sat, Dec 15, and Sun, Dec 16
Timothy Jones, a bass-baritone acclaimed in Europe, South America, Canada and the US, will return to hometown Shreveport to sing for the SSO Holiday Pops concert, says Michael Butterman.
The audience will also inhale the Holiday Pops Children's Chorus and fresh choreography for the young dancers of Carol Anglin's Louisiana Dance Theater.
Holiday Pops concerts by the Shreveport Symphony Orchestra at Riverview Theater are 7:30 pm, Sat, Dec 15, and 2:30 pm on Sun, Dec 16.
Tickets online.
Monday, November 26, 2012
In Fast Company interview John Grindley touts Shreveport's housing bargains, crunchy food and crucial tax credits
In a story by David Dax in, CoHab's John Grindley was persuaded to divulge a few of the secrets that are making Shreveport the vibacious stealth center of tech-minded Louisiana.
The story is entitled, "$1,000 Rent, Tax Credits, And "Shrimp Busters": Why You Should Start Your Startup In Shreveport."
A taste of the Dax story . . .
"Silicon Bayou, anyone? John Grindley, the executive director of CoHabitat Foundation, makes a case for the Louisiana town at the top of the boot.
How did Shreveport become a tech hub?
There was a big oil bust in the '80s, and a lot of industry left. We had a hangover for 20 years, with not much diversity in our economy. Louisiana decided they wanted to attract a diverse, creative economy, and gave tax credits to film and digital media. Then further tax credits kicked in for software development. Initially that seemed to only apply to videogames, but we got the law changed to be interpreted as applying to all software development in the state, and that blew the doors wide open. Originally when the film industry came seven or eight years ago, they landed in New Orleans, but Hurricane Katrina made people shift focus to other parts of the state."
Shreveport native Victoria Williams sings on Sun, Dec 16, 7 pm, at Fairfield Studios
Songs written by Victoria Williams have been covered by a number of great artists, says Jim Huckabay, including Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder ("Crazy Mary"), Lou Reed ("Tarbelly and Featherfoot") and Lucinda Williams ("Main Road"). She has appeared on "The Tonight Show", "Conan O'Brien", "The David Letterman Show" and toured internationally. A Shreveport native who has resided for the last twenty years in Josua Tree, California, she returns to her hometown for her first concert here in ten years.
Sun, Dec 16, 7 pm.
House concert series, Fairfield Studios.
$20. Cash only.
318- 219-7688.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Volunteers: help finish the fantastic decorations created to illuminate Christmas in the Sky, the bi-annual benefit for SRAC's artist fund
"Less than 2 weeks to Christmas in the Sky," says Shreveport Regional Arts Council's Julia Foley. "We could really use your help finishing the sets. If you can volunteer...head over to Louisiana Downs to the 3rd floor."
Join the gang of SRAC creatives, says Foley, "Every day from Noon to 9pm."
SRAC: 318-673-6500
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Noids & fellow sonic warriors kill fascists at Big D's BBQ, Shreveport, Sat, Nov 24, beginning at 6 pm
When it's the holidays and hairy traveler Paul Garner rolls into town, keep a weather eye upon the green Common St complex known as Big D's BBQ.
For here the young men and lassies can spin tales of their rambling as they strum under the sky and off the grid, mostly.
What would Leadbelly do?
From 6 pm. Valet parking.
Holiday art party on Thurs, Nov 29, 5 to 8 pm, at Gallery Fine Art Center, Bossier
The "Wrap It Up: Holiday Art Reception" is an art party to which all are invited and welcome.
Thurs, Nov 29 between 5 - 8 pm at Gallery Fine Art Center, 2151 Airline Drive, Suite 200 in Bossier City.
Enjoy perusing the art in advance.
It is also an event for Bossier Chamber After Hours, and Meredith Hamrick Events, LLC Ribbon Cutting.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Barnwell's final exhibit before being closed for renovation: painter Judy Horne and 30 additional artists open Sun, Nov 25, reception 2 to 4 pm
"Come see works by almost 30 artists in the Main Gallery and a selection of paintings by Judy Horne in the Corridor. These are the final exhibits at the Barnwell before it closes at the end of December for bond issue renovations," says Horne.
Barnwell Center
601 Clyde Fant Pkwy, Shreveport
(318) 673-7703
Monday, November 19, 2012
Minicine? event, Xmas Under Da Ground, Sat, Dec 8, offers both local short film And wall-hung art; the non-film art deadline is Dec 2
While the deadline for the 5 minute-maximum film entries - shot in Shreveport - is Tues, Nov 20, there's another dimension of Xmas Under da Ground: the walls will be hung with flat art.
Says curator Conchita Iglesias McElwee, "People have a weird perception it's just film. Not so. I am the art contact. The non-film art deadline is Dec 2."
Send images and proposals to
Phenomenal New Orleans singer-player Theresa Andersson performing at Bistro Byronz, Shreveport, in series of Thurs shows beginning Nov 29,8:30 pm
Genius on violin, percussion, guitar, voices and looping, Theresa Andersson is a fountain of music.
Bistro Byronz presents Andersson on Thursdays at 8:30, beginning on Nov 29, says Emelie Kantrow Alton.
Two minutes into one of her youtube videos ("Na na na" has won 1.5 million views) one realizes that Andersson is a beautiful creature from another musical realm. First, she is a one-woman show; then top players are added to her musical flying carpet.
Raised in Gotland, Sweden, she has lived in New Orleans since age 18.
Her husband is puppeteer Arthur Mintz, the lad who brought a live-action puppet show called The Fantastic Mr Fox from New Orleans to Artspace Shreveport in 2011-2012. He has returned to Shreveport for a project with Moonbot Studios.
Highly, highly recommended.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Highland Jazz & Blues Fest, Shreveport, Sat, Nov 17, 11:30 am to 5 pm

Highland Jazz & Blues Fest, Shreveport, Sat, Nov 17, 11:30 am to 5 pm, a photo by trudeau on Flickr.
Music, food, beer, crafts and dancing and catching up with your friends.
Bring a chair!
Friday, November 16, 2012
Shreveport Symphony Orchestra performance on Sat, Nov 17, 7:30 pm, Riverview Theater
Michael Butterman conducts a performance of Beethoven and Midkiff. With the less-familiar composer Midkiff being a virtuoso mandolinist from Virginia.
Tickets here.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Touring in an old van with a three-legged dog: The Skies Revolt at Bears on Fairfield on Wed, Nov 14
The Skies Revolt are trying to redefine the alternative rock genre with a quirky blend of indie sound, catchy electronics, and aggressive, pumping beats, says Rachel Miller. She calls it joyful indie-rock exuberance,
Bears is giving the group a warm Shreveport welcome, if you know what I mean. They are David Prindle (vocals/guitar/electronics), Jarred Irby (bass/vocals), Bobby Dowell (guitar/vocals), and Eli DenBesten (drums/vocals),
If their schedule held, they played a gig at Maxine's in Hot Springs prior to arriving here. Discuss.
More here.
Party Like There's No Tomorrow to support arts programs: Christmas in the Sky on Sat, Dec 8, Harrah's La Downs
Winner of numerous awards and encomiums, including the over-the-top Special Events Magazine Best Gala in the World Award, Christmas in the Sky is produced every other year
by the Shreveport Regional Arts Council.
Buy tickets online. They are $280 each. Online registration closes Dec 2.
This dressy, crunktacular gig sells out every time. If the Mayan calendar has anything at all to tell us, it is that this will probably be the last Christmas in the Sky. So look sharp.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Highland Jazz & Blues Fest serves food, beer and music from 11:30 am to 5 pm in Columbia Park, Shreveport, on Sat, Nov 17

Highland Jazz & Blues Fest, Shreveport: Michelle Loridans and Emma Busi, left, a photo by trudeau on Flickr.
Big Bill Morganfield, AJ Cascio and a gang of blues players fill the HJ&BF schedule, but in the Gazebo you will find a bit of jazz. Winston Hall is scheduled for 12:45 and the Total Choice Jazz Band plays 2:45 to 3:45.
The free fest is as much about the beer, food and crafts booths as anything. Kenney Koonce advises "Bring plenty of cash!"
We encourage you to ride a bicycle to the fest.
Under the Pavilion -
Buddy Flett, Jerry Beach Band, Scotty Boy Daniel, Glenn Rainey Band, AJ and the Two-Tone Blues band and Big Bill Morganfield.
In the Gazebo -
Hardrick Rivers Revue, Winston Hall Group, Bobby Mercy Oliver, and the Total Choice Jazz Band.
Among the numerous food offerings -
Burnin Spear
Ki Mexico
Stir Tapas
Marilynn's Place
More at
Monday, November 12, 2012
Travis Whitfield photos from Keatchie, La, in the 1970's on display at Louisiana State Exhibit Museum; reception Thurs, Nov 15, 5 to 7 pm
Chronicling the lives of the older African American residents of Keachi (Keatchie), Louisiana, seemed a natural pursuit for painter Travis Whitfield in the 1970's. He captured his friends through painting, photography and audio recordings.
"Further on Down the Road" is a multi-media exhibit offering those images to the world.
Whitfield was raised near the small town of Linden, Texas. He grew up in primitive living conditions, he says. As a child, Travis started drawing from nature.
Travis was a "country boy," as he puts it, but graduated from the University of Houston (BFA, '68).
In the early 1970's he was at Tamarind Institute (a lithography workshop) in Albuquerque and taught watercolor at the High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Houston.
He moved to Keachi, where he had previously worked. There he established his studio and began the recording of faces and stories that have resulted in this show.
"Further on Down the Road" opens Thurs, Nov 15 and continues through Fri, March 15, 2013. No charge.
See images and story at
LSEM: (318) 632-2020
Jeff Midkiff, mandolin, joins the Shreveport Symphony Orchestra on Sat, Nov 17, 7:30 pm, Riverview Theater
The music in this concert not only evokes impressions of rivers, mountains and rainstorms, but also lives influenced by the natural world, says Michael Butterman.
The performance is Sat, Nov 17 — 7:30 pm, RiverView Theater.
- The Moldau by Smetana.
- Beethoven's Symphony No. 6, the Pastorale.
- From the Blue Ridge, Jeff Midkiff.
Free ‘Inside the Music’ pre-concert talk starts at 6:30 PM.
Free shuttle starts at 6:30 PM.
Shuttle picks up at Regions Bank parking garage at the corner of Milam & Market Streets.
Tickets & melodies from the show.