Sunday, March 13, 2005

Student life: Tibet flies to Bossier via phonecam

Originally uploaded by trudeau.
Viewing the historic photos on display at Meadows Museum, Centenary College, in the Tibetan Photo Project exhibit is secondary student Javier Rivas. Snapping a photo of the material while enjoying the show, Rivas is in a class that was encouraged to visit the museum - you can play the Singing Bowl, spin prayer wheels and see big color photos, too - and write about Tibetan life. He was sent by Parkway teacher Mrs. Noyes.

"RT: "How do you spell your teacher's name?"
JV (to classmate): "Say, how does Mrs. Noyes spell her name?"
Classmate: "Mrs. 'No' 'Yes,' man!"

Meadows is open Sundays 1 to 4 and closed Mondays. Othwise it's noon to 4. Thursday is their late day: noon to 5.

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