The Wray family: Mary Virginia Hill, Kevin Hill, Katie Galloway, Jerry Wray, Deanie Galloway, George Wray, Jr
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Mosaic designs supported by the Wrays have been cemented to many walls in the ensuing years. Typically the family jumps in to participate in the creation of the tile work. Wray's daughter, Mary Virginia Hill (above) is a painter. Granddaughter Katie Galloway (also above) is also an artist. A student at Louisiana Tech, her art has been in several Tech exhibits.
Wray's daughters Deanie Galloway and Nancy Amistead have also shown art, as have several additional grandchildren.
Some of the Revel's mosaic projects have disappeared owing to expansion by the casinos and the Red River Waterway Museum. Wray is philosophical about the changes.
Her outpouring of art over a six-decade career has won Wray a place in six museums. The artist, a sculptor as well as painter, will talk about her life in art at Bossier Arts Council Fri, Oct 5. Her talk and slide show will reflect art over the long haul as well as offer an overview of trends in US art. The lecture and Q and A, part of a series sponsored by West Edge Artist Co-op, will begin at 6:30, says Danielle Reans.
Enjoy Wray's painting and sculpture at jerrywray.com.