Sunday, March 04, 2012

Confetti cannon will roar, the Byrd High Band strut and animators will don their Hollywood sunglasses as Shreveport gives Joyce, Brandenburg and Moonbot Studios a Texas St parade in honor of the Oscar on Mon, Mar 5, about noon

Join the City of Shreveport, Parish of Caddo and a choir of jubilant schatzlsingers on Texas St in a confetti-topped, two and a half-block parade in downtown Shreveport on Mon, Mar 5, 11:30 or noon, says the Mayor.

The fete is in honor of Academy Award-winning directors William Joyce and Brandon Oldenburg and the animators at Moonbot Studios.

The parade will begin in front of the Caddo Parish Courthouse and span the 500-700 blocks of Texas Street. The C.E. Byrd Marching Band (Bill Joyce's alma mater) will lead the way to artspace.

Following the parade Bill and Brandon will tell stories about their days in Hollywood.
Then there will be a fresh hot dog lunch!

And don't be surprised if 6 confetti cannon spew masses of paper spaghetti all over your bad self.

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